Chapter 17

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

It had been three months since Arendelle had declared war against the Shadow army. The war was long and harsh. Innocent lives were taken, sacrifices were made, not to mention the shortage of allies. The king of Arendelle had given out a plea for more men to volunteer to go into battle. Outside from her window, Elsa could see the line of men waiting anxiously outside the castle doors. Ever since being cooped up in the castle, Elsa had formed a habit in sitting near her window and looking out to what was going on in the outside world.

"Elsa?" her father knocked on her door.

"Yes, Father?" she called back, a bit surprised. Nowadays, with the war and keeping the citizens safe on the top of his priorities, her father usually didn't usually have time to come and talk to his family as much as all of them would like.

He opened the door and poked his head in. "Elsa, dear, I'm going to be in a quick meeting with a few potential allies. Could you let the candidates in?" her father asked. "Just keep them calm and make them feel comfortable. They are volunteering to risk their lives into battle after all."

"Are you sure it's okay for me to go outside?" Elsa opened the door to let her father in. "I mean, you did say-"

Her father waved her worries away. "Elsa, my men have told me that there have been no signs of the Shadow Army for days now. Besides, you're just opening the door for them, nothing too daunting."

Elsa nodded. "Yes, Father."

"I'll be as quick as I can," he kissed her forehead before heading to the meeting room.

Elsa walked down the spiraling staircase to open the castle doors. The men thanked her one at a time before heading inside. She noticed, though, that one young man seemed to hang back from the rest of the group.  

"Excuse me?" she said. "Are you here to volunteer?"

The young man was wearing a hood, so she coudn't see his face underneath. He didn't answer. She sighed in exasperation. There was no time and patience anymore for people who just wanted to waste the kingdom's time. "Look, if you're not here to sign up for the war, I kindly suggest you head back home."

It was almost as if she had said the magic words, for the young man then entered the castle, almost nervously though, she noticed. She closed the door and locked it before turning to the young man.

"Alright, you'll have to apologize for the king's momentary absence, but he is in an important meeting. In the meantime, make yourself as comfortable as possible. There is food being served if you are hungry and the staff would be more than happy to-"


She looked around, startled. No. It couldn't be. He didn't dare.

"Elsa," the young man with the hood whispered again. "It's me, Jack."

"Jack?" she exclaimed quietly. "For goodness sake, what are you doing here?"

Jack shrugged. "Just like the others came here for: To volunteer."

"B-but that's crazy!" Elsa hissed. "What will my father say when he sees you? Do you have any idea what he could do to you?"

"Hey, I came to help Arendelle and if your father can't see that then it's his loss," Jack said. "Besides, the worst he can do is kick me out of his kingdom." he added jokingly.

"That's not making it any better," Elsa groaned. This is bad. This is bad. I need you to leave. Now."

"What?" Jack exclaimed. "But Elsa-"

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