Chapter 19

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

The whole kingdom was filled with joy of the awakening of Princess Elsa. Get-well cards, letters, sweets, even small stuffed toys were brought to her room as gifts from the townspeople. Elsa was grateful for the citizens' thoughtfulness, but it didn't stop her from wistfully thinking of going outside and simply breathing in the fresh air. The maids were nothing but cheerful and kind towards her when they took care of her, but she longed not for the company of humans, but of nature itself. And after days and days of imploring her parents, she finally got her wish. Well, she could only roam inside of the castle, but Elsa was nonetheless happy. 

Upon venturing out of her room the first day, she was met with a bear hug from Anna.

"Anna!" Elsa laughed. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm hugging you!" Anna grinned at her big sister.

"You sure have gotten stronger this past month," Elsa chuckled. "I can barely breathe!"

"What? Oh! This hug is to make up for all the times I couldn't hug you when you were sick!" Anna said.

"Well, that's very nice of you, Anna, but it feels like you're squeezing the life out of me," Elsa pretended to gasp for air.

"Oops!" Anna laughed nervously. "Sorry, sis."

Elsa chuckled. "No worries. As payment for almost killing me, you can tell me what's been going on this past month," she teased.

"Didn't Father or Mother tell you anything at all?" Anna cocked her head.

Elsa shook her head. "Besides the outcome of the war and the reconstruction of some parts of Arendelle, they haven't told me anything. They said this was your area of expertise," she chuckled.

"You bet it is!" Anna winked. "Ooh! This is gonna be fun! What should I start talking about? The weather? No, that's boring. The citizens? Well, Father must have already told you that. My studies? Pffft. That's not important. Ooh, I know! I'll tell you about-" Anna stopped suddenly, her eyes going as wide as saucers.

"Tell me about what?" Elsa asked.

"Er - it's nothing! Nothing at all!" Anna said, waving her arms dramatically.

"You know when you do that I know you're lying," Elsa gave her a knowing smile.

Anna stopped waving her arms and put them behind her back, yet Elsa could see that Anna was still fiddling with her hands.

"Come on, you can tell me," Elsa prodded gently. "There's nothing to be shy about."

"Well," Anna drawled. "I guess I could tell you."

"Go on," Elsa smiled.

"Okay! You've got me!" Anna squealed. She was then jumping up and down and dancing all at the same time.

"You're still not telling me," Elsa rolled her eyes teasingly.

"Oh! Right!" Anna said. She motioned for Elsa to come closer. She then whispered into Elsa's ear, "Kristoff and I are now seeing each other!" she squealed again and started her jig all over again.

"Wait, what?" Elsa said. "You're with Kristoff now?"

"Yes!" Anna said.

"How did this happen?" Elsa asked, smiling now.

"Well, after the war was over, I was in the stables, just spending time with my horse and just spending time with him," Anna started. "Then, out of nowhere, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I thought it was one of Pitch's men that had somehow hidden himself from Arendelle's eye, so I screamed and hit the person with a metal bucket."

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