Chapter 8

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!


"I've chosen a prince for you to marry," her father said.

"B-But, Father! I thought we made an agreement that I could choose who to marry!" Elsa exclaimed, her mind still not quite registering the news.

"I've given you a chance and you've clearly shown that you're not capable of such things," her father said coldly.

Elsa stepped back, as if she had been just slapped.

Her father sighed tiredly. "His name is Prince Alexander and he will be coming at one o' clock sharp in the afternoon," he said. "And you're going to be make him feel welcome. Is that understood?"

Elsa felt like crying all over again, but she held back her tears willfully. She simply nodded and left her father's study. She went to her room and softly shut the door behind her. She stood in front of her mirror and was surprised to see who was staring back. A girl with faintly red tear-stained eyes and unruly hair sticking out in odd places from today's events, with a depressed look to her.

I've changed so much in just a few days, Elsa thought. Both mentally and physically.

A knock came from her door.

"Who is it?" Elsa asked.

"It's me, Anna," her sister replied. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," Elsa said.

Her sister came in and shut the door quietly behind her.

"You heard already?" Elsa asked.

Anna shook her head. "No, but the way you looked told me that it wasn't good."

Elsa ran to her sister, sobbing into her chest. Anna stood there, patting and talking softly to Elsa. "Let it all out. Let it all out. Cry as much as you want. I'm right here for you."

"He-He's already chosen someone for me., Elsa cried. "The prince is coming tomorrow afternoon.

Anna patted her sister's back comfortingly. She gestured for both of them to sit on Elsa's bed. When they were both comfortable, Anna asked. "Do you need anything for me to do?"

Elsa sighed. "No. I don't think there's anything we can do about it. All I need is you to help me along the way and give me support. But I guess I've already got that from you." she smiled at Anna.

Anna smiled back. "Well, what do you expect? That's what sisters are for."


Dinner for the royal family was rather awkward. The conversation was strained and nobody was willing to talk. The Queen tried to do her best to smooth everything out, but even she couldn't break the wall that was forming around them.

"So, Anna, dear," the Queen started. "How was your day with Prince Hans?"

"It was fine," Anna shrugged. Her usual enthusiasm was gone.

Elsa squeezed her sister's hand under the table. She knew her sister wasn't telling their mother about her exciting day with Prince Hans because she was worried if it would upset Elsa, with all that had been going on recently.

Oh, Anna, Elsa thought, smiling at her sister. I'm so thankful to have a sister like you.

"Anna, you can tell them," Elsa whispered when their parents were talking to one of the servants, "Tell them how much fun you had with Prince Hans."

Anna looked at her in surprise. "Really? You sure? Because I ca-"

"Don't worry about me," Elsa smiled reassuringly. "I'll be fine."

When their parents turned their attention back to the girls, Anna started excitedly telling them of all that happened to her today with Prince Hans. The king and queen joined in with their daughter's enthusiasm and voiced in their support of Anna's day and praised Prince Hans. Elsa listened silently and nodded when the conversation needed to.

After dinner, Elsa bid her parents goodnight, saying that she was awfully tired from all of the day's events. Her father and mother kissed her their good nights and she went upstairs. In her room, she looked out her window, looking up at the night sky in all its gentle glory. Her mind wandered to what tomorrow would bring. She sighed heavily.

"What have I gotten myself into?" she whispered to the stars above.

But the stars gave no answer.

AN: I feel like this chapter was a short one. Only 704 words. Hopefully, it'll get longer and better as the chapters go on. Anyways, thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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