Chapter 21

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Hey, guys! This is the final chapter to the story! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy reading!

"You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Great! Now let's see you in that dress!" Anna said, jumping up and down excitedly. Elsa walked out in a stunning white, floor-length dress. The bodice of the dress hugged her curves, and while her shoulders were bare, a veil with a snowflake pattern trailed behind her.

"Oh, Elsa, you look so beautiful!" Anna squealed, coming to hug her sister.

Elsa chuckled. "I would hope so since it's my wedding day."

After their encounter with each other at The Lonesome Tree, Elsa and Jack both rode back to the castle. Upon arriving, they told her father of their engagement. At first, her father was a bit taken aback, but then a gentle smile came soon after and he laughed joyously and hugged both his daughter and his soon-to-be son-in-law.

The preparation for the wedding took three months. They sent letters of invitation to the townspeople and dignitaries, Jack's kingdom even agreed to come. It was a busy time for the both of them. They had to arrange a place where the couple would say their vows, they had to order in and taste every single dish that would be served at the wedding, and finally, the two wed-to-be's had to pick their wedding attire. And now, today was the special day everyone had been waiting for.

"Oh, Elsa," her mother said, wiping tears from her eyes with a handkerchief, "You look absolutely stunning."

Elsa smiled, tears of her own now forming. She went to her mother and hugged her. "Thank you, Mother."

"Now, let's see how we can fix your hair," her mother said, leading her daughter to a vanity. Her mother quickly started working on Elsa's hair, her hands skilfully twisting and turning Elsa's soft, pale hair. After about ten minutes, her mother stood back, admiring her work.  "There. Now your look is complete."

"Not yet!" Anna shouted, running across the room to her mother and sister. She held up Elsa's crown. "You forgot about this."

Elsa took it and gave Anna a grateful smile. Her mother helped her place the crown just right on her head.

Her mother looked at her. "Well, what do you think? A look fit for a princess?"

"Oh, please, Mother, she's already a princess so whatever she wears is a look fit for a princess," Anna teased. "What I think you mean is her look is the definition of a bride."

Their mother rolled her eyes in amusement. "All right. Elsa, do you think your look suits you for a bride?"

Elsa could only stare at her reflection before her. Her mother had proceeded to put her hair up in a bun, making it so that it would frame her face. The tiara seemed to add even more effect, with its beautiful silver diamonds glittering in every direction.

"Mother," she said breathlessly. "I love it!" She laughed and happily twirled around the mirror, looking at how the dress looked in all different angles. Anna and her mother laughed along with her, happy that she was happy.

A knock came from the door. "Your Majesty and Your Hignesses? It's time to go in the hall now," Kai said.

"We'll be right there, Kai!" Elsa said. She looked at her sister and mother. "It's finally happening. I'm getting married!"


Elsa stood by the door, nervously wringing her hands.

This is it, she thought to herself. The big day.

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