Chapter 15

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Hey, guys! Nothing but the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

After Prince Alexander had left, Elsa immediately rode to Katja Inn to find Jack. Before leaving, she had told her parents that she was going to the public library to browse some books that weren't in the castle library. To hide her identity as best she could, she put on a old tattered cloak and wore the simplest dress she could find in her closet. For more effect,  she smeared on dirt on her clothes and her face.

Arriving at Katja Inn, she knocked briskly on the wooden door. Lars opened the door. "May I help you?"

Elsa thanked the stars that her disguise worked. "Yes, I'm looking for Mr. Jack Overland?"

"Aahh, you're the young lady who came here last time," Lars smiled.

"Yes I am," Elsa smiled back. "Can you please inform him that it's urgent?"

"Righty-o, ma'am," Lars mock saluted her before leaving to get Jack.

Elsa waited a few minutes by the door when Jack suddenly came. Despite her disguise, he immediately recognized Elsa. He quickly thanked Lars and closed the door behind him.

"Elsa what's wrong?" he asked in alarm.

Elsa shushed him, making his tone go down to a whisper. "Not now," Elsa whispered. "Meet me at The Lonesome Tree. We'll talk there."

Jack nodded but he still looked at her worriedly.  

Jack was the first to arrive at The Lonesome Tree. When he spotted Elsa, he ran up to her and helped her down. He looked her over in worry. "Are you hurt? Anything injured? Anything broken?"

Elsa placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Jack, I'm fine. I'm not sure if Arendelle is, though."

Jack looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?"

Elsa sighed. "Jack, there's something I have to tell you. Please don't interrupt until I've finished."

Jack looked like he was going to object but thought better. He nodded. "Okay, Elsa. You can start."

Elsa took a deep breath. "After spending the day with you last time, as I was riding home, someone attacked me. He told me that his name was Pitch Black and that he and his army were going to destroy Arendelle. He told me that if I ever told anyone about our meeting, he would hurt every single one of my loved ones. I didn't want to risk anybody's life so I listened to him. It wasn't until today that I decided to tell somebody."

Jack looked at her in shock. "Elsa-"

"I know that I'm putting everyone I know and love in danger," Elsa continued. "But this is for the good of Arendelle. I can't put the citizens in danger because of my selfishness."

Jack looked at her in sympathy. "Does anyone else know about this?"

Elsa shook her head. "No, you were the first one I told."

"Bu-but why?" Jack asked, confused. "Shouldn't you have told your father about it? He's a much bigger help to Arendelle's well-being."

"I know. I came to talk you first because I know that I won't be seeing much of you after I tell my father. My sister and I probably won't be able to go out of the castle once I tell him. He'll think it's best if we stay in the safety of our home." she said.

Jack was about to say something when Elsa kissed him. She broke from their kiss and said, "I'll miss you, Jack Overland."

He smiled gently at her and said, "And I'll miss you too, Princess Elsa of Arendelle." He caught her up in one last passionate kiss before Elsa broke away reluctantly.

"I have to go. My father needs to know as soon as possible," Elsa said, tears in her eyes.

Jack wiped a tear from her face. "Go now. Arendelle's safety is more important than me."

Elsa got on her horse and pushed her horse into a gallop. She looked one last time at Jack's form as it got smaller and smaller as she rode farther. She prayed to the gods above that this wouldn't be the last time they saw each other.

AN: Hope you enjoyed reading this! It's a bit short but that's all I could get. Besides, Elsa can't be dawdling when her kingdom is in danger! Anyways, thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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