The 'Rescue'

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Aurora and the kids were walking through the Decimation it was a much larger ship compared to the Nemesis, Aurora had Sabrina and the kids of her shoulders as they walked and they were close to the Bridge of the ship, Sabrina was impressed with the way the ship was as she looked around she thought to herself before looking at Aurora. "Aurora... can I ask you something?" she asked

Aurora stopped moving once she entered the bridge she looked towards the young Princess. "You can Starfire." she replied

"If this ship belongs to WaterDancer..." Sabrina started to say Jack and the others looked at Sabrina as well.

"Why are you captain of the Decimation?" Sabrina asked

Aurora looked at her before she looked away. "WaterDancer may be the leader of the Mercenary Guild but... the warship is not her only ship." she replied and moved closer to the controls. "She prefers to explore and uses her scout ship the Tempest to do so..... And I became the captain of the Decimation after she helped me out of my crisis eons ago..."

Miko looked a little more interested to that. "What did she help you out of?" she asked

Aurora froze for a moment Sabrina and Jack could see whatever happened it had affected Aurora a lot.

"It's something... that took a lot out of me and... I am still not comfortable bringing it up..." Aurora replied

The kids looked at her as Sabrina sighed and moved her hand to Aurora's face. "Must not be easy and you don't have to tell us if you can't right now." she said

Aurora looked towards her and smiled.

::Aurora... Megatron is trying to contact you.:: Snapshot said in the com

Aurora looked towards the controls and activated the com to the ship. "Alright thank you Snapshot... and I need you and Crackshot to keep the ship running and prepare for WaterDancer's arrival."

::Will do A.:: Shotspot said

Aurora them activated the com to the Decepticon's Com. "Megatron it is to my understanding you were trying to cantact me." she said

::Yes Aurora.:: the warlord replied. ::I need you to bring Starfire and her friends to the bridge

"I will Megatron... I'll get them there safely." Aurora replied as she cut the com and started to head towards the Nemesis and it's bridge.

Meanwhile Megatron left to console in his quarters after contacting Aurora on the Mercs warship he was starting to head to the bridge he couldn't stop thinking about Aurora's sudden reappearance after all these Eons but he knew he could trust her with the safety of his daughter.

The warlord sighed as he walked down the halls. "I sure hope this plan works..." he said lowly

Megatron soon got to  the bridge of the Warship and Aurora was not far behind she arrived with the kids and Sabrina safely in the bridge the brightly colored femme looked around she saw Spitfire and Echo to the side but Lyra was not anywhere to be found she sighed as she walked to the side and lot the kids down on the table.

Once Aurora let them down she walked over to Spitfire and Echo and they looked at her. "Hey Aurora..." they both said

"Hey... have you seen Lyra?" Aurora asked

Echo and Spitfire looked at each other before Echo replied. "She's been around but still quite upset..."

Aurora sighed. "Then I will find her myself... I'll be right back." she said

The two femmes nodded Aurora then walked away to find her sister Soundwave had picked up what Aurora said and told the warlord what she was doing, Megatron turned to the door to see Aurora leave to bridge he sighed before looking at Sabrina then looking away.

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