Stupid Siblings

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Late in the day after being thoroughly scolded by the Autobots while they were all on the Tempest, Smokescreen was sitting on Chip's berth in the bio lab sulking.

"You could always join the crew you know." Someone said while walking into the room.

Smokescreen looked to see Chip coming in he looked away and sighed. "I could... but that wouldn't be right. I'd be deserting the team. I don't wanna let Optimus down like that."

"True. But say you did." the doors closed behind Chip and he sat on the berth, handing Smokescreen a mug of warm oddly colored energon. It had a pinkish blue hue. "You could bunk in here with me. We could take care of the plants... do stuff together. We'd be like brothers."

Smokescreen looked at him and smiled. "Thanks for the offer." he replied

"You need a place to hide just come visit me. I got a couple spare bunks in here." Chip smiled back.

"So uhh... what's in this energon? It looks kinda weird." Smokescreen asked.

"Hm?" Chip looked down in his mug. "Oh! Just mercury, a dash of manganese and a little liquid silver." he shrugged "It tastes better than military rations. Trust me. Tried that stuff and almost gagged. Blech. So bland."

Smokescreen looked at him before looking at the Mug hesitating for a moment before taking a sip of it and to his surprise it was really good.

Chip looked at smokescreen and smirked as he took a drink.

"Wow..." Smokescreen said before taking a big gulp.

Chip laughed "Don't drink so fast! You'll hiccup and it won't be pleasant."

Smoke looked to him and lowered the mug down. "Ok..." he said

"I haven't really been around anyone my age in a really long time. Im just... you know. The Rookie." Chip said.

Smokescreen looked at him and sighed. "I can relate to that..." he replied

"I was found by Aurora floating in deep space in an escape pod. She took me to Dancer and she took me in. Boss lady said she'd turn me into a good merc even if it killed her. I make mistakes. Lots of them." Chip sighed.

"Seems we have something in common... I made mistakes... more than I have ever made when I trained in the Elite Guard..." Smokescreen replied

"Being in boot camp is different from being in the field. But you gotta learn to get back up... dust yourself off and learn from the mistakes. No matter how many times it takes." Chip nudged Smokescreen lightly "Strive to be the best you can be. Glory may or may not happen along the way. But that's okay as long as you're happy with who you've become."

Smokescreen looked at him and smiled as he drank more of the Energon Chip gave him.

Meanwhile Optimus, Water Dancer, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were at the bridge of the tempest getting closer to the Autobot Base, Optimus still held onto the Star Saber keeping it close to him.

Dancer was standing on the bridge near the navigation controls having a somewhat playful argument with Wheeljack who was in Engineering. The Wrecker genuinely liked it on the Tempest. Good energon, good company and awesome work.

:No no no. You can't just bash through something like that.: Wheeljack said

"Grieve would disagree with you." Dancer chuckled

:Of course the old fart would. He's more spare parts than anything else.: Wheeljack replied :You gotta use a frag grenade to soften up their defenses. Then you rush in guns blazing.:

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