She's coming when?! And where?!

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Hi guys this is my first FanFic, I'd appreciate some feed back but please don't be too harsh, as I said this is my first one. In this story your family consists of the following: 

You (Y/N), two sisters (Y/S/N) Yes 2. You have 2 older siblings making you the youngest. You will be playing a girl who is in year 11 (one year younger than Sabrina) Your sisters are both in university, one training to be a paramedic and the other to be a primary school teacher.
And then your mum and dad. They both work hard and your dad is in the army. 

You just moved from Townsville (The place you were born in and lived in for the majority of your life. While in Townsville you also attended 5 different schools) to Brisbane. The adjustment has been hard and while you're use to moving schools, moving cities and away from friends and family is very different, and you haven't seen much of a point doing anything. 

Well lets get started!

~1 year 3 months ago, August 2016~


But how? I quickly race out of my room to the lounge room. "Mum, Dad, Sabrina Carpenter is coming to Australia and I have to see her. Please can I? "(Y/N) calm down, okay? We're busy right now." I roll my eyes at my mum. "Can I please go see her?"  

She looks away from the TV pausing her show. "Can we talk about this when the ads come on? I've had a long day at work and I just want to relax." Well at least it's not a no, yet. "Okay... Can you call me when the ads are on?" 

My dad finally looks up from his phone, "Yes (Y/N) just go back to your room so we can keep watching the show." I let out a sigh, "Okay." I turn and walk out of the lounge room as my mum press' play and continues to watch whatever show she's currently obsessed with. 

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge as a walk through the kitchen back to my room, pausing at my sisters door. I knock 2 times and wait a few seconds before I walk in. 

"Hey (Y/S/N), what are you doing?" she looks at me in the door way from where she's lying on her bed. "I have an assignment due tomorrow, it's 5000 words, I've only written 2398 but I have 13 hours till it has to be in so it's fine right?" "Uhhhh, Yes?" "Ughhh I need a break, my hairs going to start falling out soon." 

She closed her laptop and pushes it to the side. "Look on the bright side, if your hair really does start to fall out, the bald spot (Y/S/N) gave you won't be as noticeable." She glares at me from where she's sitting, wrong move. "Uhhh sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." "What did you want (Y/N)?" 

It seems a little stupid to talk to her about Sabrina Carpenter. She isn't the biggest fan and seems annoyed at me. "Uh it doesn't matter. Besides you have to focus on your assignment." I cast my eyes down to my feet, glancing at her through the hair that's fallen in front of my face.

She raises her eyebrows at me sceptical of what I said. "Alright out with it, whats on your mind." 
I feel a smile spread across my face and I push my hair back, quickly walking across the room to sit on her bed. "Well.... SabrinaCarpenteriscomingtoAustraliaandisperformingliveonthe6thofAugustwhichisthisweekendandIjusthavetoseeherbutmumanddadarewatchingashowandIcanttalktothemrightnowandIjustreallywan-" "(Y/N) (Y/N) CALM DOWN! Jesus did you even breath then?" 

She shakes her head laughing at me. "Don't laugh (Y/S/N) she's an amazing actress and her charter on girl meets world helps a lot of people.. And her music is really good too. Besides you got to see Miley Cyrus and you grew up watching her, so why can't I be excited at the chance to see Sabrina Carpenter?" 

I let out a huff and she looks at me,  eyebrows raised. I mumble an "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for" and she shakes her head smiling. "Don't be, I know how much you like her." "Well I mean she is an amazing actress and singer, did you know she writes all of her own son-" "You know that's not what I meant." 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now