Morning text and calls

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~Your POV~~2 months later~

Since I'm grounded for the next 5 months I focus on school work and text Sabrina. 

Being grounded means no wifi, TV, PS3, laptop for school only, and that I'm not allowed to go out. 

It sucks but I don't have that many friends. Since I moved here from Townsville because of dads job, I didn't bother with the whole 'friends' thing. I assumed I'd move school again. 

It was a reasonable thought to begin with. Growing up I went through 5 schools (this is my 6th), 2 in one year, with the rest being spread out. They were all in Townsville which confused me as to why I couldn't stay at one. 

When I got moved to my second school, we had just moved into a new house and it  was closer. I made friends in my weird way, which consisted of me going up to a girl and saying, 'Hey, look at my watch, it lights up!... Wanna see?' 

Yep.... I said that. In my defence I was in grade 3. 

That was how Sam and I became friends though and even though I moved schools we still talk. 

We lost touch for a while between year 8-10, but at the end of year 10 (before I moved), I bumped into her at the shops and it started talking like no time had past. 

Here in Brisbane, I don't have friends like that. I have another friends called Sam, a girl that befriended me during SOR called Maria, and from there I have people I'd call 'acquaintances' that sit at the table Maria and Sam invited me to. 

Yay, two people I like enough to call 'friends'. 

Lets be honest, my life sucks and my grades are just as bad. I was a C's and B's girl before I moved. Now I'm a C's and sometimes D's girl. 

My parents think that with me being grounded for 7 months, I'll be able to improve that. Pft. Yeah right.

It's not that I don't want to or don't try, because I do. It's just my brain hates me. 

Worst excuse, right? But when I have exams my brain forgets all the work from the past 9 weeks. I also have a love hate relationship with procrastination which doesn't help with assignments. I'll need to work on that.

As I lay on my back across the floor of my bedroom, I stare at my blank ceiling. I wish I could paint something on it, but were living in a defence house so that's out of the picture.

Sighing I look around my room. 

Queen bed, dresser with an empty space where my TV and PS3 use to be, boxes in the corner, and a bookshelf. 

I push myself up and walk over to my bookshelf.

I always buy books when I don't need to. I've only read 1/4 of the books I have. 

Instead of choosing a new book to read, I pick up an older, worn out book that I've read at least 3 times.

~~~~2 hours later~~~~

After reading for a few hours I put the book down and look around. 

This is going to be a long year. 

Standing up I pull the box over to my wardrobe and stand on it. 

As I stand at eye level with the top shelf I reach to the back and grab the phone Sabrina brought me. 

I push the box back before jumping onto my bed and turning on the phone.

I look back to make sure my door is closed before unlocking the phone and checking the time difference. Sabrina is currently in New York. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now