Back to the beach

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~Sabrinas POV~

I jumped in the car, throwing it into reverse as I pulled out of the driveway.

Soon enough I was speeding down the highway, making my way back the the Sunshine coast. I decided to call (Y/N) to make sure she was alright.

~Calling Giraffe!~

You: "S-sabrina?" She answered, sobbing into the phone. I felt like my heart was breaking in my chest at the sound of her crying into the phone.

"I-I'm ss-.......sorry! Ple-please don't l-lea-leave me.... I neeeeed you!" She stuttered and slurred into the phone.

Sabrina: "I'm not going to leave you baby, please just calm down." I told her calmly.

You: "I-I'm such a-a Horri-ble person. Whyyyy do you tol-tolerate me?" She asked, calming down slightly. Her sobs starting to slow.

Sabrina: "Because I love you. And while it hurts now it will only hurt more later. You didn't mean it baby, I don't blame you."

You: "Y-you should, yo-ur'e too nicee for m-e."

Sabrina: "That's just my humanity. Not everyone has one these days..."

You: "D-do I?"

Sabrina: "Yes. That's what I love about you. That and so many other things."

You: "How far away are you?"

Sabrina: "40 minutes, why?"

You: "I'm scared Sabby..." She whispers into the phone.

Sabrina: "Why? What's wrong? Why are you scared baby?"

You: "I feel like someones watching me. I can't see anyone on the beach though... The rain is getting harder too."

Sabrina: "Babe, call Maria. She'll come get you and I'll meet you at the cabin."

You: "I don't w-want to g-go back thereeee." She said, teeth chattering from the cold.

Sabrina: "(Y/N) call Maria right now." 

You: "I d-don't wan-t to hang u-up. Ple-please just talk to me?"

Stepping on the accelerator to speed up I nodded my head before replying.

Sabrina: "Okay just hold on Bub. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

~20 minutes later~

I jumped out of the car after putting it in park. 

I ran out onto the beach in the pouring rain, looking around for (Y/N).

"(Y/N)!" I screamed over the rain. 

Pulling out my phone I ran in the direction to the location she sent me. As I got closer I noticed 2 figures. One sitting close to the water, watching the ocean. The other standing 10 feet behind them, getting seemingly closer as I approached.

"(Y/N)!" I screamed again, getting the attention of both figures. The one sitting down standing up, running towards me. The one behind them running for the tree line along the beach.

(Y/N) ran into my arms and began crying again as she held onto me for dear life. I hugged her back just as fierce. 

"I got you. Don't worry, I got you." I repeated into her ear as she cried.

As we made our way back to my car I opened the boot, sitting her down in it as I got a few towel from it. 

I helped her pull of her wet shirt and jeans that stuck to her skin, quickly enveloping her in a large towel, rubbing her arms to stop her from shivering.

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now