Flight, Hotels and Sabrina Carpenter?

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Okay guys, lets just pretend that the video above is from 2016 because it's better than the other ones.


Once I get back to my room I begin packing my bag. I decide to use one of my school bags to avoid anyone unwanted attention. I tip out my school gym bag and start shoving clothes and shoes in. 

After packing I flop back onto my bed. How am I supposed to get out of school?  I can't not just show up to because then my parent will get a text saying I'm not there. 

Ughh. Maybe I can go to 1st period and then tell the teacher I'm sick. The flight leaves at
10:25 am so I have to be there at 9:30. Why is everything harder than it has to be?

Rolling over on the bed I grab my phone and see Sabrina posted a video of her first day in Australia. 

Aww Sarah dropped her ice cream. It feels like my stomach is doing flips, literally. Turning off my phone I sigh and look at the roof. I'll tell the teacher I'm sick and run out and call and uber. If my parents get a text so be it. 

They'll find out eventually and I'll get in trouble. It's not like they can do anything while I'm in Sydney, right?

After a few hours of tossing and turning I give up trying to sleep after I hear (Y/S/N) walk out to the kitchen. Maybe I could get (Y/S/N) to call the school? I'd have to tell her about Sydney though and she might tell mum and dad. 

I let out a frustrated sigh and roll out of bed. 

Making my way slowly out the the kitchen I see my sister cooking 2 minute noodles. "Hey (Y/N), what are you doing up?" "I couldn't sleep. How's the assignment going?" I ask. "Good. I have 3764 words. I keep having to delete stuff. I just keep rambling." I laugh and look down at my feet.

"Why are you really awake?" "Huh? I told you. I couldn't sleep..." I mumble. "Why not? Your usually a heavy sleeper." She pushes. "My brain wont turn off and I cant stop overthinking." "Overthinking? About what?" She looks over at me taking a big mouthful of 2 minute noodles. "Uh, promise not to tell mum and dad?" I say nervously glancing at their bedroom door.

She gets the hint and starts walking back to her bedroom. "Come on then." I follow her to her room and she closes her door behind me. 

"What's up?" (Y/S/N) askes. "Mum and dad said I couldn't go see Sabrina Carpenter.... So I used my own money to buy a return ticket to Sydney. Mum thinks I'll be at Sam's house but I don't know how to get out of school without them finding out though and I'm starting to think this was a very bad, terrible, horrible idea." I look up at my big sister and she walks over and gives me a hug. 

"Look. I don't like the idea of you going to Sydney alone, behind mum and dads back." I sigh, "I know I kno-" "BUT, I think you should do it." I look at her in shock. "W-what?" "I'll call the school in the morning and drive you to the airport. Don't worry about mum and dad, okay?"

I wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug as tears slip from my eyes. "You really mean it?" "Yeah, it's better than dad killing you when you get back. Or having dad GO to Sydney." She hugs me back while laughing. "Go get some sleep and I'll talk to dad and tell him I'm taking you to breakfast in the morning." "Thank-you so much (Y/S/M)." She ruffles my hair pushing me off of her. "Yeah yeah, go to bed." 

"Good night (Y/S/N)" 

"Night (Y/N)"

The next morning I roll out of bed and grab my phone off the charger. As I walk to the bathroom I turn on my music and it automatically connects to my speaker next to the shower. I have a shower, brush my hair and teeth, and get ready for the day ahead.

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now