Hungover and Hungry

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~(Y/N) POV~

I don't know what the time was but I was abruptly woken up but a wave of nausea hitting me. The sudden move made my head pound causing my hand to fly to my head in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. 

Sabrina stirred beside me where she slept. Now laying on her back with some hair across her face, I watch her chest rise and fall at an even pace; telling me she was still sleeping.

I smiled at her sleeping figure before looking around the room. 

Figuring the nausea was diminishing to nothing I decided to lie back down. As soon as I hit the pillow with a thud I regretting the action immediately. My head pounding as a result.

My hands flew to my face as I sat right back up, jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. Apparently it was yet to diminish and my sudden recklessness brought it back swinging.

Running into the bathroom and slamming the door, I slid to a stop, haunching myself over the toilet as I threw up. I totally should've eaten more. At this point it's all alcohol and stomach acid.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Sabrina asked, knocking on the door lightly as I finished throwing up for now. "Just peachy Sab." I replied through the door before another wave of nausea hit me.

Turning back to the toilet as the lump in my throat grew and my mouth began to water, I heard the door open.

I knew it was Sabrina and I really didn't want her to see me like this but what am I going to do? Kick her out and lock the door while vomiting over my shoulder in the opposite direction? Not likely.

Sticking my face in the toilet as another wave of last night's alcohol made its way up my throat, Sabrina sat next to me rubbing my back. 

As I began to throw up she gently moved my hair out of my face, tying it loosely as she rubbed the small of my back.

I groaned, spitting what was left of my mouth into the toilet in an attempt to get rid of the acidic taste. Sabrina kissed the back of my head, continuing to rub my back as I rested my forehead on the toilet seat.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out. What was meant to be a meaningful apology turning into a pathetic squeak due to my burning throat.

"I know you are baby", she said, kissing my back of my head again. "Do you think you're going to throw up again?" She asked.

"I fucking hope not." I grumbled, causing her to giggle.

"Come on baby, let's get you in the shower, hm?" She said while slowly helping me up off the floor. 

Once I was standing I brought my hand to my head trying to stop it from spinning. "Come one baby, you can sit in the shower just help me out a little." She whispered, tugging at the hem of my shirt. 

I nodded, squeezing my eyes closed in pain. Once my head steadied I put my arms up so she could remove my shirt. I watched her go on her tippy toes in an attempt to take it off; due to our height difference. I let out a small laugh, looking back to see the toilet with the lid close. I decided to sit on it to make it easier.

"Thank-you." She said kissing my forehead as her pulled the rest of the shirt off and dropped it on the floor. 

She crouched in front of me, sitting between my legs. Closing my eyes I rested my head on her shoulder. She rubbed my back in a comforting manner before unhinging the clasp of my bra and pulling it off. 

I turned the side of my head and kissed her neck once, my eyes still closed. 

We sat like that for a while until Sabrina pulled me back up. Sabrina taking off her own clothes as I struggled to step out of my shorts. Once I had I then sat on the floor of the shower, my back against one wall, my head against another as my legs were brought into my chest.

After a few seconds Sabrina turned on the shower and sat next to me. I instantly draped my legs across hers and laid my head on her chest, letting the water run over us. 

Sabrina soothed over my hair kissing my forehead often as I sat, listening to her heart beat. 

"I'm so sorry." I tried again, hoping she would know I meant it. I hadn't noticed the tears freely flowing down my face until I heard the sob escape my lips. 

"It's not your fault. I love you, it's okay, we're okay." She said kissing me forehead a little longer this time. 

Crying made my headache worse but I couldn't stop. We must've sat in the shower for at least half and hour before she helped my sit up on my own so she could wash my body.

She's always taking care of me. What did I do to deserve her? 

Once we got out of the shower Sabrina wrapped me in a towel and helped me stand at the sink as I brushed my teeth, finally ridding me of the fowl acidic taste. After brushing my teeth and spitting out my mouth wash I turned to Sabrina and hugged her with everything I had. 

"Thank-you. Thanks-you so much. You stayed. You defended me. You love me. I love you." I said into her neck. 

"I will always love you no matter what." She said with a smile in her voice. Quickly adding on she said, "and I will never leave you. If by chance I do; I promise to return. Always." She hugged me tighter before whispering, "and do you really think I wouldn't defend you? If I recall correctly I broke my hand for you." 

I giggled into her shoulder and peppered her neck with kisses. 

"Well I broke my collarbone defending your cute stupid ass." I said, finally pulling back to look her in the eyes. 

"My hero," she cooed. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss against her lips, still uncertain of where we stood. Before I could pull away though, Sabrina tugged on my hips, pushing her lips firmly against mine.

"I told you it's okay. I told you I don't blame you and that I love you." She mumbled against my lips. "So kiss me like you mean it, kiss me like you did before Alex ever came into the picture." She said, pulling away from my lips and staring to my eyes.

I nodded my head before crashing my lips onto hers, causing her to moan at the contact. I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she gave me happily. 

I pulled away after a few minutes, bringing my hand up to my head as it began to spin again; a constant pounding on the base of my skull. 

Sabrina and I stared at each other with dopey grins. 

"Hungry?" She asked, causing me to laugh. 

"Definitely." And with that, Sabrina helped me back to the bed and ordered us room service. 

She hung up the phone and looked over at me. "You wanted the scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, yeah?" She asked, waiting for confirmation that she had ordered correctly.

"Yes Mumma." I replied smiling as a light pink blush covered her cheeks. 

"You remembered that, huh?" She asked, walking back over to the bed before snuggling into my side.

"Mhm." I hummed, running my fingers through her hair and I pulled her closer to me.

She sighed deeply, trying to move closer into my body if possible. "You're my better Sabrina." I said, barely audible but I knew she heard.

"An you are mine," she said, shifting her position to look at me before kissing me .

The moment was broken up by a knock on the door. "Room service!" The person called.

The rest of the day was spent wrapped in eachothers embrace, eating food and watching movies. Sabrina even put on a scooby doo movie to make me feel better. Only one though, she said it wouldn't be a repeat of last time. I'm unsure of whether she means the 5 movies and eating my body weight, the talk, or the sex. I mean, she did propose last time, maybe she just didn't feel like blurting out that she brought a house or something ridiculous. 

The 4 days flew past, huddled in our comfy hotel room, locked away from the world, until we had to face reality and begin packing to go back to America. 

Sabrina had already missed so much for me and had to cancel so much shit. I put my foot down when it came to the jingle ball concerts, no way was she missing those. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now