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~Sabrina's POV~

5:06 pm. Maybe she just got caught in traffic? I walk up the stairs of the Sydney Opera House and sit down letting out a sigh. After another minute or so a few people start to recognise me and I'm signing a few things for my fans. A little girl, around 6 years old, runs up and hugs my legs. "Awwww! What's your name cutie?" I ask kneeling down to see her face.

"Sofia!" The little girl says. Wow so much confidence packed into a little girl. I laugh to myself. People probably say that about me. "Well Sofia, where's your parents? I'm sure they must be worried about you." I poke her belly making her giggle. "Over here!" She says grabbing my hand.

I walk with Sofia over to her parents and a look of relief washes over them.

"Sofia I told you not to run off like that! I'm so sorry about that, she's a big fan of Girl Meets World." I smile at her parent, "no no it's no problem at all. It's what I live for." I kneel down again to talk to Sofia. "No more running off, kay?" I pinch her cheek and she giggle, "Okay!" 

I give her one last hug before saying goodbye and waving to them as I walk back to the steps of the Sydney Opera House.


~Your POV~ 

After finally reaching the Sydney Opera House and bend over with my hands on my knees trying catch my breath. "Jesus Christ, breath (Y/N) breath!" I whisper shout to myself. 

I look up and see a little girl pulling her mothers hand in the direction of an ice cream stall. Maybe they have bottles of water. Please have bottles of water!

I get in line behind them and pull out my phone as I wait. 

"She's a lot nicer than I thought she would be. A lot of girl's who go into the spot light that young usually turn out spoilt and rude." "I agree, Sabrina is a lovely young girl." 
My head shoot's up at her name. 

"Umm excuse me, did you say Sabrina? As in Sabrina Carpenter?" The young couple turn around and look at me, I must look horrible after running. No doubt my face is red. A little girl pushes through the 2 of them.

"Yes! I met her and she poked my belly and pinched my cheek. I love her!" "Awwww!" I look around for a moment and look at the time on my phone, 5:14 pm. "Is she still around here?" 

"I think so. We just talked to her a moment ago, she walked over to the Sydney Opera House the last I saw." The young man states. "Thank-you!" I say turning away, running off again.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, blonde hair, blue eyes. I scan the crowd for any sign of her. There's too many people here. I race up the big steps to the top, standing in front of the Sydney Opera House so I can look down at the crowd. I see a flash of blonde hair in a crowd of people. That must be her. How am I going to get her attention? 

Fuck I forgot to make a sign or something. Doesn't matter, I wouldn't be able to get through that crowd anyway. I look around and see a street performer. I race back down the stairs towards him.

I walk up to the street performer and wait till he takes a break. "Hi, that was really good... Could I ask you for a favour though?" 

"A favour. What kind stranger I just met on the street?" "Uh, would I possibly be able to borrow your microphone?" He looks at me sceptically. "What exactly are you going to do?" I smirk at him. "I'm going to get someone's attention!" 

Smiling he hands me the microphone, "The floor is all yours baby bird." "Thank-you." 

Now what the fuck do I do? I didn't think this far ahead. Think (Y/N) think. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now