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~(Y/N) POV~

As we sat in the car all eyes were on me. 

"What?" I looked at Sarah and Peyton who looked a little shocked, then turning my head towards Sabrina who was smirking.

I stared at her a admiring the way her blue eyes sparkled, not to mention all of her other features. Looking away from her eyes I looked to her cheeks. If you look close enough you could still see her freckles, regardless of the foundation. My eyes continued down to her cocky smirk that turned my insides to jello. 

Someone to my right cleared their throat, snapping me out of my daze. Oh god. How long was I staring at Sabrina?!

As a look of horror crosses my face Sabrina continues to smirk at me. "Don't worry, it wasn't too long. Maybe a minute or two." 

The look of horror is now mixed with shock. "I said that out loud?"

Sabrina nods and I feel a blush creep up my neck to cover my face. Omg, I'm the biggest idiot that ever lived. I quickly look down trying to cover the blush. I know by now I must look like a tomato. 


~Sabrinas POV~

I couldn't help it. The more I looked at her and how embarrassed she was the funnier it got.

Without thinking a let out a quick laugh, quickly covering my mouth to stop from laughing further. 

(Y/N) looks up at me, her blush growing more and more. She looks down again looking mortified.


~(Y/N) POV~


It's official. I am the biggest idiot to live. 

I don't even bother to look up again, my only focus is to calm this stupid blush that won't go away. 


I don't look up. How can I? I feel absolutely humiliated, I mean, who speaks their thoughts without knowing it? 


~Sabrinas POV~

"(Y/N), look at me? Please?" I coo. 

Still nothing.

Losing my amused smirk I replace it with a gentle, concerned look.  

Gently I place my hand under her chin and push it up a little to make her look at me. 

Her eyes are a little watery and her blush is nearly gone. 

I move my hand to her cheek, using my thumb to rub along her cheek bone. 

"Don't be embarrassed honey. It was cute. Besides, I was staring right back at you."

She leans into my hand a little, causing me to smile. 

I lean in and give her a sweet lingering kiss. When I pull away I rest my forehead against hers and rub our noses together.

Our sweet moment is broken up by the flash of a camera to our right. 

Opening my eyes and looking to where the flash came from I see Sarah and Peyton smiling at us, Sarah holding up her phone.

"Awwww, that was so cute. Look I have evidence!" Sarah say, shoving her phone in my face. I have to say, to was pretty cute.

"Can you send that to me?" I ask Sarah. "Yeah sure just give me a second. 

A few seconds later my phone buzzes and I open it. I save the photos and make it my screen saver. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now