Second Thoughts?

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"(Y/N) I am not leaving Australia unless you are coming with me!" Sabrina screamed from the other side of the room, unpacking her suitcase as I attempted to pack it. 

"Sabrina I told you, I'll be there in a month or two. I just need to figure out uni or college, whatever it's called in America." I said, shoving clothes into her suitcase. 

"And how are you going to figure out college, in America, while in Australia?!" She asked, putting emphasis on each word, attempting to change my mind. While her argument was valid (because she's my fiance, my life, my world, my baby, my future and my home. Literally, I'm moving in with her) I needed to sort things out here.

"I don't know okay! I just need to finish applying and get everything sorted." I said, huffing in annoyance.

"Then let me help you! I want to help (Y/N), okay? I'll help you apply and I'll help you pack. I want to help..." Sabrina said, stopping her actions to stand in front of me. 

Gently she cupped my face in her hands and looked into my eyes. "I'm scared Sabby." I whispered, causing a look of sadness to cross her features. 

"I know baby, I know. Just tell me what to do to help, I want to help. Please baby." She whispered into my ear, pulling me into her embrace. 

I didn't know what she could do to help so I just cried into her shoulder. She rubbed my back and we must've stayed like that for an hour. 

The reality of it all was finally setting in and I was freaking out. 

I was getting married to Sabrina, moving to America, and going to college. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Sabrina with all my heart and I want to marry her. And college is just like university so there's no difference there. But moving to America? BIG DIFFERENCE!

I have lived in Queensland Australia my entire life, leaving Queensland to go to New South Wales only a handful of times (only to see family). I have never left the country or been away from my parent for more than a week. 

It's freaking me out. I feel like this is all too much and while I love Sabrina what about my family? 

Sabrina is my family I get that. I'm going to marry her and have kids with her. But what about my mum and dad. My sisters and grandparent? What if while I'm in America one of my grandparents dies and I didn't get to say goodbye? What if mum get into a car crash and dies? 

I won't be there and I wouldn't have gotten to tell them I love them.

All of these thoughts just makes me cry harder into her shoulder as she whispers words of reassurance into my ear. 

"I love you okay? Please stop crying baby. If you need my time I get it, I just don't wanna leave you again." Sabrina said while rubbing my back.

"I don't wanna leave you too. I don't wanna leave anyone." I said sobbing.

"Is that what this is about?" Sabrina asked gently. I nodded into her neck. "Talk to me, please?" She urged me.

"I just don't wanna leave my family. And I've never left the country. I mean, I barely leave my room and going to the shops by myself gives me anxiety. A new Country? Without my family?" I asked, telling Sabrina all of my worries.

"But I'll be there. We're family (Y/N)." Sabrina said moving away so she could see my face. 

"I know. I have a ring and everything but there's a difference between you and them. They've been there my whole life and they're always there when I need them. They're my parent Sabrina. My sisters, my family." I said, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now