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~Sabrinas POV~

It's now 1 in the afternoon and (Y/N) still isn't awake. 

I guess Maria wasn't lying when she said that (Y/N) hadn't been eating or sleeping.

Frowning, I trace her collarbone thats sticking out. I lift my other hand tracing mine as well. She's definitely lost weight. 

I sigh and flop back down on the bed next to her, covering my face with my hands. 

"What am I going to do with you..." I whisper, deep in thought.

"You could love me forever..... Just a thought." 

The voice was husky from sleep. I removed my hands from my face and looked over at her. 

"Love you forever huh?" I smile, moving over, sitting on her stomach.

She hums in agreement, eyes still closed. 

"I'll have to think about it." I say, still smiling.

She opens one eye and looks up at me. 

"Think about it? What's there to think about?" 

"Lot's of things sweetie."


"Like if I can accept living the rest of my life on the wrong side of the bed because you took mine. Or that fact that you're a total blanket hog."

"I am not!" She protest. 

"Honey, you're wrapped up like a burrito. At one point, I got up and got another blanket. You know what happened???" 

She looks at me confused, slightly shaking her head. I lean in close, smiling, before yelling "YOU TOOK THAT ONE TOO!" I raise my hands in frustration.

She burst out laughing and I pout. "Don't be a baby Sabby. Here, come cuddle." She opens the blankets and moves over to the side I slept on. I give her a questioning look.

"What? You said that was your side."

I smile and join her under the blankets. She hums in approval and wraps her arms around my waist. 

"Never leave me."

"I wont."



And with that she went back to sleep. Happy. Adorable. Beautiful. Stunni-

Annnnnnnd, she kicked me out of bed.

I sit up from the floor and look at her still sleeping. She snuggled further into the blankets.

I lie back on the floor in a mixture of smiles and giggles. 


I like the sound of that.


It's 5 in the afternoon and I'm sitting at the dining room table playing a game of cards with (Y/N)'s mom and sister. 

"So since you can't put down you have to pick up." (Y/N)'s mom explains. 

"Ohhhh, okay." I say picking up another card. 

We hear a groan coming from down the hallway, followed by a loud thud. I take a quick breath in, that must've hurt.

I put my card down and slowly walk down the hallway. 

"Honey? Are you okay?"

No answer.

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now