The Only Daughter

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Me and Zane have all ways been different. We wear nothing but dark colours, matching masks and love My little horsies! But hey, we all got are 'quirks', Garroth is dumb, Dad is as childish as Garroth, Vlad is always chill and mom... Beyonce!
My brother and I have magic, we can talk with out words, move things without hands and know everything about someone with them telling us. As well as this, Garroth, Zane and I are werewolves. Garroth's ears are light blue with white tips and mine and Zane's are black with dark blue tips. Only our family knows, no one at school. Yet...
I am starting Phoenix Drop High today. I would of started in freshman year with with Zane but there was no space, so I start my sophomore year today in a new school, just so we can get to school easier.
So yeah, Zane and Zaylar, two emo twins go to high school. Fun...

"Wake up honey, time for school." My mother said from the other side of the my door.
"Ummh, whatever" I say as I roll out of bed and put on my new uniform.
I tie my mask around my mouth like Zane and applied dark eye makeup and wander down stairs for breakfast.
Everyone was rushing around and being generally busy to notice that  Zane, Garroth, Vlad and I have left for school. As we were walking passed houses when Garroth's friend joined us, Laurence.
"Hay bro, since when did the beautiful Miss Zaylar start coming to school?" He asks looking me up and down and winking at me.
Garroth punched him in the arm. "That's my baby sister!"
I roll my eyes and play more Black Vail Brides.

Gene's P.O.V

Sasha, Zenix and I were hanging round back of the bleachers, tagging our logo and just catching up after the summer brake when...
"Hey, look who's coming over to us, and it looks like he brought a friend with him too!" Sasha sniggers pointing at Zane and a girl with him. I wonder if he managed to snag himself a girlfriend. No way, it's Zane, but if so... this would be a fun first day back.
"H-hey guys!" Dweeb said trying (and failing) to act cool, mean while his lady friend leans against the wall smirking at him, or at least I think she was. She had a black mask covering her mouth like Zane... And even though she was hanging round with Zane she seemed cool. Maybe she would join the Shadow knights.
"Oh shove off loser" Zenix says pushing Zane to the ground and I swear I hear his girl friend person thingy, growl as she stopped leaning on the wall as if she was about to run at Zenix.
"Yeah, get lost idiot!" Sasha said moving closer to the now stood Zane, but the girl stopped her,grabbing her arm, and says, "might want to leave my twin alone" she says this aggressively but with the tone of voice that is cold and uncaring . Which I like. Zenix and Sasha just rush in with fiery rage, but this girl doesn't, she's calm.
"Oh yeah? What are you going to do?" Sasha smirks. This new girl may of been cute but she was...
Never mind she just punch Sasha in the face... Well, she is 100 percent being in the shadow knights.
Zane pulls at her sleeve,"come on Zaylar, let's go" Zane and his sister walke away in silence. I don't even think the leader of the shadow knights before me was that bad and hot at the same time. And who knew Zane had a twin. Heck! Who new the Romaves had a daughter. She must be the only daughter...

I hope you enjoyed this. It is my first chapter. Hope you like it! Tell me what you want next! Thank you!
-Red xx

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