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Laurence's P.O.V

Zaylar comes back in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn that she puts on the coffee table.
"Ready to watch?" She says turning all the lights off.

Half way through the movie all the popcorn runs out.
"I will go make more if you want" She says getting up.
"You don't have to..."
"Nah, it is ok. I want more any way."
She goes and the doorbell rings.
"I got it!" Garroth yells coming thundering down the stairs.
I hear him open it.
"Aaron? What are you doing here?"
"I need to speak with Zaylar."
"No, she doesn't want to talk with you right now."
"Let me talk to Zaylar. That is an order."
"You can't just use your power as alpha to get what you want."
"But I just did" Aaron say barging past Garroth.
"Hay dude! Get out!" Garroth says.
"Aaron what are you going here?" I say standing in front of him.
"I need to talk to Zaylar!" He says.
"She doesn't want to speak to you Aaron. Leave her alone. She will sort it out on her own time."
"This isn't about what happened this is about someone in the pack. Daniel said he found Dottie passed out in the woods and he can't get her up." He says.
"Ok, stay here. I will go get her." Garroth says rushing into the kitchen.

Two minuets later we all left and ran to the woods. Aaron and Zaylar in there wolf forms and Garroth and me on two feet.
"This way!" Aaron yells.

We get there and they shift back to there human forms.
"Daniel?!" Aaron calls out.
"Over here!" A werewolf this green ears says back.
Next to him a girl wolf was lay.
"Is she breathing?" Zaylar asks tacking her jacket off and pitting it over the wolf girl.
"Yeah, but she is so cold."
"Garroth your jacket now please, Aaron you t-" she looks at Aaron. He is only wearing a jacket and jeans with black trainers.
"Why don't you have a shirt on?" She asks tacking Garroth's jacket and putting it over the girl.
"You weren't complaining at dance." He smirks tacking it off and also putting it on the girl.
"That's because it is uniform." She says taking her pulse.
"Hay Zay, look. Wolf prints. She was in wolf form when she passed out." Aaron says pointing to the ground.
"Why would she be running by her self in the woods?"
"You do that Zay" Garroth points out.
"Yeah, but I can protect my self. Dottie isn't that strong..."
"What if she wasn't alone?" I ask.
"What do you mean." They ask looking at me.
"What if there were people with her..." I say.
"Who would be with her? I don't smell the pack..." Aaron says.
"Maybe it wasn't the pack or any werewolf."
"Ok what are you getting at?"
I pick up a crystal off the ground.
"Witches..." Aaron says.
"Why would witches hurt Dottie?" Zaylar asks.
"She didn't fight either... We would of heard her need help..." Aaron says.
Dottie moves a little and opens her eyes, "alpha?"
"Were here. Are you ok? What happened?"
"I don't know... I can't remember anything..."
Zaylar and Aaron look at each other.
"Come on Dot, we got you." They help her up and we take her back to Zaylar's house.

"Just put her on the couch, I will call her parents." Zaylar says taking out her phone and going into the other room.
"I- I think I heard a girl talking when I was out, but I everything is so foggy." Dottie says.
"It is fine Dot, as long as you are safe that is all we care about." Aaron tells her.
"Her parents are on there way now." Zay says coming back in.
"Do you know why you would of left for the forest?"
"No, I don't like going alone. I know there are other packs out there that don't like shearing the territory."
"All right, well your mom will pick you up soon. If you need anything or remember anything just call us." Zaylar says handing Dottie some water.
"Thanks alpha."

A few minutes later her mom came and picked her up.
Aaron and Zaylar went to the dining room to try and figure out what to do.

Zaylar's P.O.V

I had my laptop out and was searching up about the forest on the internet while Aaron looked through some books about forest covens.
"Hay Zay, what about this?" He says passing me a book.

Some witch covens will grant a low werewolf new abilities as their thank you to a pack.
This can happen to any pack that has a weaker wolf in. They usually only gift it to packs who have helped them greatly in the past, present or will in the future.

"Maybe but I don't remember anyone reporting helping a forest coven." I say passing the book back.
"What if it is further?"
"Then we better find the coven and see what they may need help with for them to give Dottie more power."
"What if they didn't give her more power? What if they took it to give to another wolf. They have to get the power from somewhere."
"I will call Dottie and see if she ok."
I go and call Dottie.

D=Dottie Z=Zaylar

Z: hay Dot, how you feeling.
D: tired, weak, bored. Need anymore?
Z: do you feel different?
D: I can hardly brake a window...
Z: really? That is horrible!
D: I know!
Z:I think some of your strength has been taken...
D: it feels like it...
Z: we are going to get to the bottom of this. Stay Spotty.
D: stay Dottie, haha, see you later alpha.
Z: bye

I hang up.
"Aaron, we are going for a run!"

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