Fight pt 1

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Zaylar's P.O.V.

"Thinking about it, you might now the alpha, his name is Max..."
Flashes of child hood memories zip through my head.
He was always so nice and gentle. I could believe he would hurt anyone...
"You ok Zay?" Garroth asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." I say shaking my head for the past.
"Well thank you for your time." The man leaves.
The second he is gone Garroth speaks.
"Did you guys think about Max, the one from when we were kids?"
We both nod.
We go back to the table.
"What was that about?" Laurence asks.
"I think Max has started a rough pack..."
Laurence stops.
"He wouldn't. He couldn't. Not the same Max that lived next door?"
I nod and sit down.
"That's the guy..."
"But he is so... So not evil..."
"I need to make a phone call, be back in a moment." I say taking out my phone and stepping outside into the garden.
I find the contact is was looking for.
Irene please tell me I am making the right choice...
"Well hello Zay Zay. You don't call often."
"I need to talk to you Ein..."

Max's P.O.V

"Alph', they notified the Romaves. What now?"
"We act on our plan tonight. We need them for this to work."
"Are you sure it will work? What if they reject you?"
"She has known me since we were kids. Who else could she love. Plus, Zaylar has friends and we all know there is more then one way to skin a cat..."
We begin are way to the Romave house.
Be there soon Zay Zay...

Zaylar P.O.V

"Ok, guys. Don't freak out... But...."
Ein walks through the back door.
All my brothers and Laurence pin him the wall almost instantly.
I all most feel sorry for him. But I don't.
"Off him now! I command you as alpha!" I shout.
Garroth and Zane get off him and go sulk on the other side of the room.
"Laurence, for Irene's sake why are you human... Get off him now!" I shout.
"He hurt you! I will kill him."
I wave my hand and Ein is next to me. Laurence falls face first on to the wall and I think I want to call it a day.
"He is here as back up. This idiot wants to eliminate the human race as well. I am counting on him to give us information on what he would do."
After 10 more minutes of arguing we were in the living room with a map and several other items
"If I wanted to take over a place quickly, I would need the best weapons and people. You saw him in the forest last time. He came to your packs call. He might be trying to find strong and powerful young impressionable wolves to join his pack. He would need to take down anything opposing him. He would need bait." Ein says.
I hear something. It was outside. I don't now why but it set me off.
"Every one shift..." She say quietly.
"Just trust me..."
"But it isn't a full moon..."
"Just try. It should work after the witches strengthened the pack."
Garroth looks doubtfully at Zane but it works!
I shift and so does Ein.
"Everyone protect Laurence."
"Why me?"
"You are the only human..."
"I am a shadow Knight you know."
"Yup, but every time you shift you get worse as a person. And I don't think the fangirls at school could deal with there darling prince charming being a horrible person."
"Shut up!"

Max's P.O.V

We watch them shift forms.
They must of heard us. She really is powerful as they say...
I nod to the wolf next to me.
He runs off to wolf we caught from her pack.
"Let me go!"
I think his name was Danny... Dason? Something like that...
"Move in."
My hole pack are sounding the house there is no escape. She will have no choice.
I shift in to my human form and move to the door an knock.
It opens by its self.
What is she playing at?
"Well, come in..." It wasn't a voice I recognized.
I go in the door. It shuts behind me.
No one was there.
I go to the living room where they were before.
I take in a deep breath through my nose. Nothing...
There was no smell.
"Zaylar, we need to talk."
"Yes, we do." I hear her voice behind me. Then I feel a hard blunt object hit the back if my head. I turn round. I see her. She hits me again with a bat. Then black...

I open my eyes.
The air feels damp and cold. There were no lights. I felt tight ropes round my wrists. My head was killing me.
"Finally awake!" I hear someone say. It was Zaylar.
"Zaylar, what are you up to?"
"Just about to kill the alpha of a pack. You?" She asks.
She was always been a little crazy, but she truly seemed to have flipped the switch...
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I am going to split your head open."
"What has gotten into you?"
"What has gotten into me? What has gotten into you? You have one of my pack out there! You hurt one if my pack! Now I will hurt you much, much, much more."
"They won't let him go if you hurt me"
"We will see."
I hear a crash from up stairs and my pack shouting.
It is about to get interesting...

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