I want to find Zay pt1

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Aaron's P.O.V

I walk home. I need Zay's number. I think next time I can ask her but maybe I won't have too. I swear I have heard that before. Somewhere at school or at the park. Just somewhere.
I can find her. I need to...

Zaylar's P.O.V

Garroth walks me home and mom asks me how it was. I ate dinner with everyone and went up stairs to my room. I get changed and throw my clothes into the corner of my room.

I want to know who he is. Honestly he seams super nice, and he is cute.... WAIT THE NETHER DID I JUST SAY?!
I also don't want to know because I am afraid if he gets to know me in real life he will hate me...
I sigh and pick out a book off my self.
'Love is blind' haha. Great. Just what I need right now.
I put it back.
I look out side my window out into the starry bright darkness. My window faces out to our back yard.
Everywhere you look there is a light but the dark still swallows you hole at night.
I silently slid up my window and slip out.
The cold breath of night catches me off guard.
I claim to the roof. I put on my headphones and close my eyes letting the dark swallow me and the music chain me to this world.
I open my eyes and see the big white pearl if a moon looking back at me. It was a full moon. I stand up and smile letting out a loud howl.
I hear howls from others in the pack at school. Some from neighboring packs that we get on with. I hear our alpha howl. Aaron.
It was strange being open about howling.

??? P.O.V

She suddenly snaps her attention to me. Her eyes are angry at first but soon widen into a look of fear.
Hehe, she never gets old. She is different now. She had her ears out openly. She had people who liked her. She, even if she didn't realize, was popular.
"Well isn't it nice to see you." I say sitting down and pulling her down with me.
"What do you want?" She says.
"I wanted to see you." I smile stroking her face.
She slaps me away.
"Don't touch me." She snaps batting my hand away.
"What all this over a brake up?"
"It wasn't just a break up Ein, it was more... Much more...."

Sorry for short chapter and not updating much. I hope this is ok just for now.
With it being school still for me and Christmas literally five days away, I am a little stressed to get everything done.

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