My shadow Knight

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She closes her eyes and pulls down her mask...

Gene's P.O.V

I look at her face. Under her mask she hides freckles. I think they make her look cute.
I put my hand behind her head.
She keeps her eyes closed.
I lean in till there is a small space between us.
She looks so fragile and small.
I close me eyes.
She doesn't seam like her self. I am doing the right thing?
I close the space, kissing her lips. She kisses back.
I go to pull away but she pulls me back to her.
I kiss her again. She holds me close, like she was afraid to let go. As if, if she let go I would go.
I pull away from her. She resists but I take her arms off me.
That is when I notice it. There was an empty bottle of pills next to her.
The label read antidepressants, take one everyday. Consumption of more then one will result in illness or even death.
I took the bottle.
"Zaylar..." I say to her.
She just smiles and then slumps down.
"Zaylar?!" I say shaking her.
"Irene Zaylar why?" I say.
I take out my phone and call for an ambulance.
I grab our stuff and carry her from the building. I had a feeling that she wouldn't want people to see her special place.
"I have got you Zay, I won't let you go!" I say tears in my eyes as I take her to the main path.
I claim into the back of the ambulance with her.
"What happened to her?" The paramedic asks.
"She was going through so stuff, I left her for a bit and I this k she took all these." I say hading her the empty pill bottle.
"O my Irene, these are some strong stuff." She says.
I look at Zaylar. She was pale and had a oxygen mask over her mouth.
"Hang in there Zay..." I say taking her hand.

We arrive at the hospital quickly. They take her straight to intensive care.
I get my phone and call Dante...

D=Dante G=Gene

D: Yellow bro what up?
G: Tell Garroth, Zane and Vlad that Zaylar has tired to kill herself again.
D: Wait what? No one could find you or her, what happened?
G: Just tell her brothers. Talk to no one else about it.
D: Ok, what about Aaron?
G: Him the most.
D: ok, see you soon Gene.
*ends call*

After about 5 minutes the Romaeves get here with Dante.
The doctor briefs them on the situation. Her mom starts crying.
"Why Zay..?" Zane mutters to himself crying.
Garroth didn't cry but his eyes where all puffy and red.
I sat waiting with Dante not saying a word.
"I am going to call Aaron..." Zane says.
"No! Don't, he will only make things worse. Trust me, he is the last person she wants to see." I say.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
I tell him about everything that she had told me.
"He kissed her with out her consent?!" He said, I could practically hear Aaron's grave being dug.
"He was distracting her so the pack could stop her from killing Ein" I say.
"They should of let her kill him..."
"How come you two are never at any of these werewolf things. I mean the alphas always call the hole pack, but you to never show up" I say.
They look at each other.
"Zaylar was born a werewolf, she was the only one. Our parents didn't want her to be alone so they had werewolf potions made. We were only part werewolf. That part is the visual, the strength and the speed. Apart from that, we are human..." Garroth says.
"You did this for her..."
A doctor comes out and tells her dad something, he nods and her mom starts crying again.
"What is going on..?" Garroth asks.
"You might want to go say good bye boys...." He says.
Me and Zane look at each other.
Dante looks at the room.
We all walk in.
She was lying in the dark. The occasional beep from the heart machine the only sign she was alive. Her chest barely rising.
Garroth, Zane and Vlad stood to the right of her, me and Dante took the left.

"Zaylar, if you can hear us, please, please don't leave us... We need you..." Garroth says tears rolling down his face.
"Zay, come on. Your my twin, you can't leave me here by myself... I need you... I need you..." Zane says choking on his own words as tears freely fall onto her hand.
Vlad just stays quiet standing there pale looking at her.
I took her other hand, "Zay, I will do anything you need me to do. I am here for you. I will ALL ways be here for you..." I let my own tears fall
I feel her grip on my hand tighten. I look up at Garroth who felt  too.
Vlad ran out to get a doctor.

Time goes by, when we go in again she is sat up in bed. Her brothers run to her and hug her.
"Thank Irene you are ok!" They say.
"How do you feel?" Zane asks.
"So hungry you have no idea!" She says smiling.
"I will get you some thing!" They say together rushing to get her food.
"Dante, make sure they don't kill each other" I say.
He leaves.
I hug her. She holds me as well.
"Never do that again..." I whisper to her.
"Never again" she says.
I think back to the spray paint art she did back in the woods...

I think back to the spray paint art she did back in the woods

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Not to day Zay...
Not ever....

Zane's twinWhere stories live. Discover now