{{Christmas detour}}

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This is not cannon in my fanfic. I just wrote this for the holidays and then it will go back to norm. This is set in the future based off what direction it is going right now. This is liable the change. Again NOT CANNON! It is set on Mystreet.
Hope you like.

Aaron's P.O.V

"Babe! Where is the wrapping paper!" I yell up stairs.
"On the kitchen table!"
"Not there!" I call back.
"Look again!" She says.
I look and see the paper with the tape and bows.
"Told you"
I turn round and see Zaylar stood their, her ice blue eyes shinning.
"It doesn't count if you uses magix to be right." I say.
"No one else is complaining" she says smirking.
"Umhm, well I am" I say.
She quickly leans in, pulls down her mask and peaks me on the lips.
"I think I am better, but I am not sure." I smirk at her.
"Oh well, your problem!" She says pulling her mask up again.
"Awww..." I pout mockingly.
"Haha no, you have gifts too rap and I have ships to sale!"
She says getting her coat.
"What?" What is she up too now?
"Eeee ZANE~CHAN WILL SAIL!" She shouts.
"Ok! Ok, just don't push it. I don't even know how two polar opposites like KC and Zane would date but good luck hun" I say and kiss her for head.
"Cya!" She calls and I hear the door slam shut.

Zaylar's P.O.V

It was getting dark after I left Lucinda's house. I was practicing healing magix. I knew Aaron wouldn't want me too. It takes a lot out of you. It can also be dangerous at times but I wanted to learn. I walk in the door and shut it behind me. I trow my coat and keys on the sofa and go to the kitchen.
I take some left over pasta out of the fridge and eat it. Aaron must be in bed all ready.
I finish eating and wash up. I put everything away and look out side.
Snow was coming down from the dark sky fast. I can't believe it was Christmas eve tomorrow. Me and Aaron where going to Garroth's Christmas party tomorrow.
I can't wait for Christmas. The lights. The warm fires. And being all together. It was the best time of year.
I walk up stairs and into our room.
He was flat out asleep. He was all so taking up the hole bed.
I roll my eyes and climb in to bed and lye next to him. I feel him rap his arms round me.
I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up because of Aaron shaking me. I open my eyes and look outside.
"Aaronnn, whaat is it. It is still dark" I whine.
"Someone is knocking at the door."
"What? At this time? Why?"
I say sitting up.
"I don't know let's both go and see who it is."
"You could of gone your self." I say as I get out of bed.

We walk down stairs and open the door.
"Hi I am Nadia. I was told you were adopting me."
"What!" We say together.
"You are Zaylar Romave and Arron Ly'can. Right?"
"Umm yes..." We say.
"Well I could go back to the orphanage if you- you don't want me..." Her dark violet eyes starting to water.
"No! No! Don't go. You can stay here and we will sort it out later." I say.
"Y-yeah." Aaron says as well.
"R-really?" She asks her eyes sparkling.
"Yes, we would love to have you." Aaron smiles.
She suddenly hugs me, and then Aaron.
"T-thank you" she says her eyes watering again but now with happiness. A big smile painted across her face.
We bring her inside and sit her on the sofa.
Aaron brings her a glass of warm milk.
"Sorry we don't have any hot chocolate. We're werewolves so, we only have substitute." He says sitting down.
"It is fine, I am- I mean I can't have chocolate." She says.
I look her up and down. It was kind of scary how much she looks like me and Aaron.
She had black long hair passing her waist. Her dark violet eyes shinning as she drinks her milk.
She has pale skin and was short.
"How old are you Nadia?" I ask.
"I am 9" she says.
I nod," Aaron, can I talk with you?"
I lead him too the kitchen so we could still she Nadia.
"Notice anything about her?" I ask him.
"She is so small and fragile. I think she might brake any second." He says still looking at her.
"Anything else?"
"Like what?"
"Like she look just like us, or she can't have chocolate?" I ask.
"Well, now you mention it, yeah" he says looking at her again.
Could she be really ours?

This is NOT cannon and is not what will happen in the future.
By the way when writing 'Garroth's Christmas party'
I wrote Andy instead like 5 times.😂

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