IT CAST : You're siblings

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- The both of you will
have a love/hate relationship.

- Usually you'll blame things
on him, and get his privileges
taken away.

- "[Y/N] just pantsed me, Mom!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes she did!"

"Then why are they pulled up?"

"Because I did that!"


- Constantly flipping each other
off when your Mom isn't looking.

- Secretly adoring each other
deep down, but acting as if you
hate one another.

- Pretty much getting along when
only the both of you.


- The two of you being
EXTREMELY close to one another.

- Doing almost everything in unison.

- "Let's go to an
amusement park, Finn!"

"Not without [Y/N]."

- Protects you from the hate
and is literally the cutest
sibling ever.

- Let's you write music with him.

- Livestreams with you.

- Jack having a
secretive crush on you.

- You even being a part of his
band after long days of learning
how to : Instrument.


- He will constantly be annoyed
by you and locking you out of
whatever he's doing.

- "He won't let me hang out
with him and Jack, but they're
in the family gaming room!"

- Him always getting in trouble
for not including you, like your
Mom says he should.

- Lots of devious smirks from you.

- "Next time invite me, Wyatt!
Then you won't get told on."

"You're such a shedevil."

- You being a little shit, but
loving it.


- Constant picking on one another.

- "Jack, god! What crawled in your
shirt and died? You stink!"

"Hopefully your dreams."

- Spamming one another with memes, and even making them together.

- Him hanging out with you more than Wyatt, which is saying a lot.

- You being aDORED by his fans.

- Watching comedy movies together, ALL THE time.

- The siblings people would
title as "goals".


- The two of you bonding tightly
with mostly everything.

- But her having moments were
she needs time away from you
and vice versa.

- Though she'll always have your
back and even gifts you a lot of
things you have on your wishlist.

- The two of you having a collaboration YouTube channel.

- Gossiping definitely goes on, and
OH boy is it great.

"Do you ever wonder what
Dog Food tastes like, Sophia?"

"I would be lying if I said I didn't."

- 11/10 gossip.

- The two of you knowing things
about one another that no one else


- He will be your VERY protective brother, going against everything
you do or even attempt to do.

- Keeps you away from boys your age, and will even baby you.

- "Can I go out, Mom?"

"Sure, be back by-"

"Did she tell you that she's
going out with only older boys."


"No, you can't go."

- Him caring for you deeply, but
showing it in different ways.

- Constant cold shoulder to him.

- Lots of ignoring him.


- Treats you young, even
though you're ClEaRlY not.

- Will constantly tease you about
boyfriends, and even ruffles your
hair at most points.

- Has a special nickname for you.

- "Does miss [Y/N] have a
boyfriend yet?"

"Billlllll. Stop!"

- Embarrasses you every chance he could possibly get.

- Uses his Pennywise smile
against you.

"Great! Now I won't be able
to sleep tonight!"


- Doesn't talk to you much, knowing that you'll both get annoyed by
one another.

- But you both love each other quite immensely.

- Will sometimes hang out with you
and even have a very good time.

- "I hate you, even though I love you."

- You knowing all of the IT cast, and them loving you/your personality.

- Finn and Wyatt having secret conversations, only to gush over you.


- Him being the BEST of a brother.

- Will surprise you with bought things and will even give you a lot of hugs.

- Constantly smiles at you.

- The two of you having inside jokes and being two peas in a pod.

- Just Chosen bEiNg a sweetie.

- He's so respectful, and will be the person you cry to.

- Is your prep talking person.

"You're great! Don't feel that way!"

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