IT CAST : Christmas/Winter

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Jack : Snowball fights will be the first thing done for the two of you in December. Especially when it's not too cold outside, and you can have Wyatt on your team. Jack always feels betrayed.

"You're stealing my girlfriend."

"She can't handle the Wyatt
level of hotness."

"I'm right here, you knOw!"


Wyatt : He loves doing insanely daring things, for no explenation plausible other than adrenaline. Therefore he'll gather his entire family up, and take you all on a skiing trip. It's actually quite fun, until he runs into a tree.



Finn : Usually he likes to get out of the house, but when the weather grows cold he turns into a hibernating Mama bear. Therefore the two of you usually cuddle up by the fireplace and end up falling asleep on the floor.

"Why do you snore so loud?"


Sophia : Binge watching Christmas based movies whilst cuddling, and staying inside with a warm cup of [a hot beverage you enjoy] is what you both look forward to when it begins fading into Winter.

"Let's watch the Grinch next!"


Owen : The entire month he will be buying you things, because apparently he sees Christmas as an entire month and not just one day.

Of course you deny for him to do it, but deep down you're very thankful for it and it makes you completely happy.

"Guess what I got you.."

"Owen, it's only the first
day of December!"



Chosen : He likes taking you to different festivities. Things including fairs, and even Christmas dances! He's the sweetest, and you never disagree because you get to see him in a suit and tie.

"You're looking beautiful
tonight, [Y/N]."


Nicholas : When it's Christmas he will usually be spending it with his family, but he'll send you videos of him dancing to XXX rated Christmas music and even pictures of him in ugly sweaters.


Jaeden : The two of you could spend hours building one snowman and not regret it. Because it's time spent together, and you always get to sneak a bit of snow down Jaeden's backside.

"Let's name it Olaf."

"Wyatt Olaf."



Jeremy : He truthfully just likes decorating his house with you, and he loves seeing the smile on your face when lighting up the Christmas tree. It's the cutest thing to him.


Bill : He LOVES travelling when it's turned Winter, because he can take you to several places that snow and even some that ice over completely.

"You look like Rudolph, let
me take a picture of you!"

"No, Bill!"

"Come onnn, pllleeaaassee."

"Fine! But you owe me."


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