IT CAST : What they would do if you were in a Horror Movie scenario

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[ Very long title, I know. ]


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Jack :


- Would push you towards
the murderer, to fend for his own life.



- Uses a lamp as defense mechanism.

"What would a fucking lamp do?!"

"Electrocute them!"

"It's unplugged, Jack!"

- Him breathing heavily, and you
having to hold it back with your cupped hand.


- Him making a lot of
loud noise, not on purpose though.

Chosen :


- "Chosen, go scope the cabin out!"

"Oh hell no, it's always the nice guy that dies in this place first! You go out there, Finn."

- Him having protection with a machete found in the woods.

- Keeping you in sight at ALL times.

- Usually staying boarded up in a room, but he'll eventually have to go against Jason, and knock him to the ground.

- "Stay down, asshole!"

- The two of you escaping through
the police that had arrived, with several of your friends that Chosen.
defended for.

Finn :


- "Screw this haunted hotel, I'm going to another! There isn't any way my ass is getting possessed up in here!"

- Leaves with you.

- EaSy. Take noteS.

Wyatt :


- Will refuse to sleep, until he passes out from exhaustion.

- Has to fight against Freddy, and will end up getting woken up by his alarm clock before he gets killed.

- Takes you and runs from the town you two lived in, but proceeds to have the dreams.

- "[Y/N]! MAKE IT STOP!"

"Wyatt! Calm down!"

- Eventually leads him to insanity.

Nicholas :


- Doesn't hesitate to cut a bitch,
as long as he walks out without a scratch.

- Will actually not care that he killed the person, but will make it seem like a tramatic experience.

- "I-I didn't want to do it.."

- You better pack your shit, because you're in love with a secretive serial killer and that's not cOol.

Jaeden :


- "It's a damn doll!
We could literally just melt it!"

- Kicks Chucky against the wall.

- Yeet that bitch.

- Lights him on fire, and
walks away as he burns down
against the ground, dying.

- WoW!1!1!

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