Student! Male x Reader

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Name: Akimitsu Kaen
Age: 17
Type: Tsundere (kinda)

Basically you have a crush on him and you went to confession but... What answer would you get?

You and Kaen used to talk a lot as friends, both of you would always do things together like going for lunch and go out with each other but it seems like he have grown a little distant somehow. However, you didn't want that. You wanted to be together with Kaen again, you wanted to hang out with him again.

You just wanted to be with him...

Although you did try to approach him but he just ran away from you saying, "Don't get near you idiot!" You wanted to answer him to but you could, he

One day, you got the opportunity to do so. It was study period for the day. The class was rowdy as other students were going with other students desk to study or talk but Kaen was not occupied with anyone. He was sitting there writing something...he seemed very concentrated on it and you were curious to know why.

You found that as a good opportunity to go over there and speak with him. When you got closer, Kaen started to panick and quickly covered his paper with his pencil case. "What are you writing, Akimitsu kun? " You asked positioning yourself beside him. "N-Nothing! W-why do you care?!" He said glaring at you. "Can't you just say it?" You asked, getting closer. "I-I don't know! Why are you getting so close!" Kaen covers his embarrassment with anger. You were startled by his sudden outburst and moved back a few steps.
"So s-sorry..." You answered softly with guilt and Kaen wished you didn't.

He was feeling a little jab in the heart himself.

You were still debating whether you should confess or not. You sighed looking at the half-busy class. 'What should I do want should I do...' You thought as you played with your (f/c) earser. 'Oh! I could flip this earser to see whether it's a yes or a no.' You wrote a 'yes' and a 'no' and it flipped to a 'yes.'

You breathed and decided that maybe it's time to.

"Hey... Um... Akimitsu kun..." You spoke up, nervously playing with your hands. "W-what is it? " Kaen replied instantly. "I-I um... I know we've been friends for a long time by I have a crush on you and I hope you'll accept my love! G-goodbye Thank you!" After saying that, you bowed lightly and ran back to your seat. Not waiting for Kaen's answer. You hid your face under your (f/c) jacket as you turned red. Kaen sat there, stunned at what you have just said. Then, he tried to keep his composure and kept a straight face as continued to write the letter. Then, the bell rang. It was finally time for lunch.

When you was about to take your lunch box to leave out the door with you friends. You felt a piece of paper get thrown in your face. "Ow! Who did that-" Your words got cut off as you looked at the blunette who threw it at you. "Akimitsu ku-" "Shush!" He said with a very flushed face. "J-Just read it!" "You mean out loud?" You asked pointlessly. "N-no! You idiot! Of course not! Hmpt!" He glared at you as he walked away. You smiled nervously as you shakily open the carefully folded note/letter.

Then, with a red face. You slowly kept the paper and ran out to him.

"Akimitsu kun! Wait!" You shouted happily. "W-what don't come near me you! What are you-" He ran as you came closer. "Wait wait wait! Please!" You ran after him as he ran for the roof. Then, he stopped and looked back with a blushing face. "What do you want you idi-" You ran towards him and hugged him to the ground. "B-baka!" He shouted trying to get you off him. "I love you!" You repeated as the blush on his face got redder and redder. "S-shut up!" He stopped resisting as you continued hugging him tightly. Then, he softly admitted, "I-I love you too, you idiot."

The note/letter wrote:
Look I wrote this letter because I'm bored okay! Don't get the wrong idea! I guess I wanted to tell you this for a long time but... Ugh! I-I love you! Go out with me. Or something. If you want to! ~End of confession

Author's note:
Sorry that this was a short one! I will try to make it longer next time! Thank you for reading this story! Until next time!

Various Male types x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now