Best friend! Male x Reader Pt.1

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Name: Xu Jingyong
Age: 19
Type: Dere dere

Part name: Meaningless crush

*Note: You didn't know how the popular guy was like to people around him because you kept a low profile. Also, he acted really nice therefore you like him.

There he is again. His tall figure struck you like how it always had. Since the beginning of time. His brown hair flows as he walk past. It's beginning to sound like...

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" A voice said from the back as you jumped at the sudden sound. "W-what the hell were you doing behind me?!" You in a hushed voice, anger filling your words. "Sorry I couldn't help it..." Jingyong said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "So why are you spying on that popular guy anyways?" You were about to answer until Jingyong cuts in again, trying to make wild guesses. "Don't tell me you like him."

"I-!" You said alarmed as your face turned red. Given that reaction, the orange hair male just gave you a smirk. "I knew it." You huffed as you were about to walk away. However, a few seconds later, Jingyong stopped you. "Alright alright... I won't tease you anymore. Instead I'll help you." "B-but how?" You asked as you waited from answers. The other just turned his body to the opposite side. He made it so you couldn't see his face. "Jing-"

"Well! I can be your wingman!" The orange hair smiled as he pulled you closer to the most popular guy at school. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked timidly, afraid that the guy would reject you and immediately make fun of you. "Don't worry to much!" Jingyong gave another smile as he pulled you to a halt. "I got your back."

Before you could say another word, Jingyong was already right in front of the most popular guy in school, Aaron. "Hey Max!" The orange hair said as he approached the brown haired male. Who was already surrounded by girls. "What do you want?" Max spoke harshly towards Jingyong as the girls beside him started laughing.

And Jingyong knew better than to waste his time fighting with them.

"Well you see." He started, dragging the word at end as he pointed to you. "My friend thinks you're cute." Right after he said that Max immediately laugh before saying. "So what? What do you want me to do about it?" "Date her." Jingyong said without hesitation as he looked straight into the brown hair's eyes. "And why should I?" Max said smugly as he let out a 'heh.'

"Because she likes you!" Jingyong said, almost shouting. "And I think you shouldn't break a girls heart." That sentence was accompanied by Max and the girl's mocking laughter. It was as if Jingyong told a really funny joke. And they don't stop. It was until the orange hair continued with a

"I'll do anything."

Max gave a cunning smirk as he towered over the other. "Anything?" Jingyong took a deep breath as he spoke with all his determination. "Anything." Max just shrugged as he approached you. Jingyong hid his disgust as he watched Max reached your side. A flustered expression crossed your face as the both of you head to the cafeteria.

Jingyong smiled to himself, covering the pain he felt in his heart. Seeing your happy expression was enough for him. Even if it was with someone else.


"So y/n was it?" Max said nonchalantly as he walked beside you, not looking at you at all. Instead, he was looking at the other people who were passing as they stole glances at him. Giggling as they did. That made you feel a little uncomfortable. "U-uh yeah." You answered quickly, stammering as you walked to a seat. "What do you feel like having?" The brown hair asked, looking at what they had in the cafeteria.

"I'll have some-" Before you could even finish your words, Max cuts in with a "I'll just get you what I'm having." After he left, you just felt so fraustrated. He literally asked you what did you feel like having. Yet he doesn't give a damn about your opinion at all. That changed your first impression of Max drastically.

However, since you are dating him. You felt compelled to bear with him for at least a week. If he still doesn't change for the better. You'll leave him.

"Here." Max slid a plate of plain noodles to you. No meat. Not even vegetables. There was nothing. As compared to his plate, yours had nothing. His plate of noodles was filled with various types of meat from chicken to you name it. You then wondered what he meant by 'he'll get you what his having.'

Trying not to be annoyed, you said "this is not what you're having." "Oh that. Well I ran out of money. So figures." You ended up just taking a few bites of the noodles in fuming slience while Max finished his in a few minutes.

This was by far the worse lunch you had with someone. It was not as decent as you wanted it to be. Even worse, it wasn't the choice of food you wanted. And the person you're eating with who's supposedly your boyfriend. Doesn't give a sh!t. He doesn't even ask how you feel or how's your day.

The first date with Max.
Was disastrous.

Hey guys! I'm back with a new story. This is slightly different from what I've written so far but I hope you'll still enjoy it! Thank you for reading this chapter!
Lots of love 💕,

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