Bookstore clerk! Male x Reader

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Name: Abner Adairé
Type: Good-looking guy...

You were walking in a books store expecting to find a good book on the shelf. But found a guy with godly looks.

"Ugh what a day..." You said as you left your workplace, rubbing your shoulder from the pain of sitting in the chair for the whole day. You let out a long yawn as you walked towards the city. Although you were very tired from your overtime work, you couldn't sleep. So what's better to read to sleep than a book? (a/n: my story? Lol jk)

You walked into the book store and expecting very less people to be in here but instead. It was flooded with people. "What the-?" You sweared as you walked over to see what's the commotion about. When you reach the place, you found a bunch of people (especially girls) crowding around this guy. They were all talking in their sweetly sick voices as they try to charm the guy they were currently crowding around. 'What was so good about this guy?' You thought with curiosity but as you got to see him completely from head to toe, you almost fell off the ledge. He had light brown locks that shines when the light hits them and honey glazed golden eyes that sparkled everytime he shows he's perfect smile. He was also holding a very interesting book that caught your attention. The moment when he looked at you, you thought you went to heaven and saw an angel looking at you.

When you stopping gawking at him, you cleared your throat and muster up your courage to ask him, "D-do you happen to have any book to recommend, like maybe the one in your hand?" Abner looked at you and smiled. "Yes of course. Follow me. Excuse me for a moment ladies and gentlemen, I'll be back shortly."
As you followed Abner, there were lots of glares and curse words passing around as you walked by. 'It's for a book... I'm not taking away your prince charming please...' You thought as you rolled your (colour) eyes.

He brought you to the fantasy section of the store with a bunch of colourful books big and small of odd looking print. "Wow... " You gasped as you look around as if you were in wonderland. Abner chuckled and said, "I know... It's wonderful..." He took one of the oddly familiar book and passed it to you. "I have not read finished the book in my hand yet so I would recommend other book that I find interest in. That is if you're interested in fantasy." Abner smiled brightly as his face started to 'glow' again. Sometimes you wondered if you are amazed by the shiny and colourful covers of the books or the aura around this 'prince.'

After looking at the cover of the book, your eyes lit up, "I read this book before! It was amazing!" You exclaimed as Abner looked at you in interest. "I have never picture you to be the kind of person who likes dragons." "Oh I love dragons especially when the main character throws swords at them and they burned the swords. Yeah.. That one was cool!" You went on and on about books as Abner listened and smiled brightly. He interputs some of the plots of the story you mention and you both looked like two friends lost in the world of fantasy. But you realized that friend, was so much more stylish and handsome even when he talked about aliens and his laughter became your favourite part of it.

Before you know it, the store was about to close. You took the book that Abner first recommended and bought it. He laughed with amusement, "Why did you buy this book? I thought you read it before." You blushed and smiled at him, "Because... This was the book that brought us together..." You looked up at him to see his reaction and was surprised to find that he was blushing too. "Well...yes... I could recommend more next time.. If you want." He gave a sweet laugh. Sweeter than any candy you ever tasted.

He was just blowing your mind. You never thought you would have so much in common with the 'prince' of the bookstore that everyone was crowding for his looks but you actually have a crush on him upon meeting him. Not only for his looks but also personality. You have capture him in your mind as the 'prince of your life.'

"Thank you. My prince." You said it teasingly as you took the well-package book in one hand, and grabbing your purse in one. "N-no problem anything- I mean anytime!" He gave a charming smile as he rubbed the back of his head with embarrassment. You smiled at that action. He was just so... Cute.

Then, You headed towards the door but was only stopped by him. "Wait!" Abner stopped you as he took a breath. "What is your name, my lady?" He smiled nervously as his brown locks shined across his face. You smiled as you tossed him your name card. "It's (y/n), sweetie."

Author's note:
Hello guys! Thank you for reading this chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it! I'll try to write a little longer next time because I feel like it's too short. Non the less I'll try to update as soon as possible! Until next time, bye!

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