Part 16

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boy (bold)
girl (italics)
everyone else (regular)

Wed, Mar 3, 10:34 PM

bruh, get off your freaking ass phone
this chicks asking where you are

Shut up Alex
I'm not interested, like the past two hours

dude, it's my birthday. 
loosen up.
why are you on your phone anyways.

I see you glaring at me idiot

Your supposed to see that

it's YOU'RE stupid

who cares. 
wait, are you texting that sarah girl

Its Sadie, and no
you know her name is Sadie

again, nobody cares.
live a life outside of that phone.

I am living a life. I'm just checking

she's not texting you back, she might be dead

that's so wrong shut up
stop saying stupid things

man you used to be fun
you're lame 

youre a terrible pers|
youre a terr|
f-ck you

(Read 10:42 PM)

A/N We all have that one insensitive friend who we sometimes hate.
Also, yes, Greyson has other friends :) 

Also, I've lined up a couple drafts, because this random updating is a brief surge. Slow down-ness can be expected imminently.

Also, wondering - out of a scale of one to ten (ten being the best) where does this fall? No offense will be taken :) (if you mark low, I might just ask what you think can improve)

Greyson: *snorts*

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