Part 45

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boy (bold)
girl (italics)
everyone else (regular)

Sat, Mar 20, 1:04 PM

Hey Sadie. Hope your fee|
Hey Sadie. Hope you're|
Hey Sadie. Hope you're feeling better. You felt feverish when I was there. Sorry I left so soon. I kinda chickened out. I might as well type out the entire thing because this message isn't going to be sent anyways right? Sadie, I don't hate you in any way, but I'm just processing some stuff and I think we both need some space right now. I found out about your mom and that really sucks. I wish you told me ... I've held a grudge against the family who killed Sera, and I was so caught up in my own loss that it didn't even cross my head that the other family might have been injured. I'm really really sorry.

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Felicity showed me your email and I know that you weren't trying to lie, but it really hurt that I was the last one to know. Again.

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I don't blame you Sadie.

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And I'm going to come over after I've processed and I'll talk to you face to face.

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Even after all of this I still like you.

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Sat, Mar 20 2:52 PM

Thanks for caring Greyson.

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Felicity told me that you came over and tried to take me to the hospital over a minor fever.

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I'm scared Grey. I don't want to lose you because of this. But on the other side, I don't deserve you in any way. I killed your sister for goodness sake. What kind of idiot would I be if I can hope that you'd still like me. Of course you'd never want to see me again. Felicity says you just need processing time, but you left without even looking my way. I'm convinced you hate me. For all reasonable reasons too. I would hate myself if I was you. My family was replaced, but you just lost your sister.

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My real mom told me to always know when to let go of things or people when I know I have to.

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Crushes are the stupidest in the world. Easy to get, hard to get rid of.

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Sun, Mar 21, 2:52 AM

Hey, Sadie|

Mon, Mar 22, 11:03 AM

What I would give to hear you complain about Mrs. O' Connor agai|
What I would give to|

A/N I swear I will do a happier chapter next time. Soon. 

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