Sixitysixtysiiiiiiii-oh wait

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I have really random music taste, so there will be weirder songs coming! Sometimes these have no relation to the chapter, I just like them. Artist: Fyfe. Song: Stronger (acoustic)

B R E N N E N B U D D Y B O O M #newpov #imtrash #whatislyfe

I watched Colby shove food on a plate and run upstairs to give it to Sam. He's acting so strange. All throughout the video, he was awkward and weirdly uncomfortable with my physical contact. I mean, it's kind of our thing. He pretends he likes me, and I pretend I like him.

I've actually thought about liking him often. I don't, of course, but there's an anomaly with having that sort of relationship with someone. You start to believe it sometimes. Well, not quite, but you just think about it more.

Too bad we don't actually like eachother, it'd give us clickbait. 

But what could make him act so strange? I guess it could be because we usually act that way alone, since Sam was there it might've been weird. But knowing someone so closely... Wouldn't it just make you feel like you could completely be yourself around them?

I'm thinking too hard about this. But something's off, and I really should ask him...

Colby came back down the stairs and sat next to me. His hair was sticking up funny, like he'd run his fingers through it wrong.

Instinctively, I reached up and fixed it for him. He smiled and messed up me hair. Normal.

"Hey! Hands off the hair!" I fixed my hair back into place. "The hair is off limits."

He laughed. "But you were just touching my hair!"

"But I was fixing it."

"Whatever." He grabbed a TV controller and turned on the tv.

"Hey, about what I was talking about earlier..."

He stared at the tv blankly, his grip tightening on the remote. Whatever it is, it's stressing him out that I'm bringing it up.

"Is it because of Sam?" Simple words, and his grip tightened 300 times more. I swear I heard the remote crack a little.

"What about Sam?" He said carefully.

"I don't know, I thought it might be weird if someone else is there to witness us being weird? But we do it all the time, so I'm just confused."

He loosened his grip, so I knew I hadn't hit home. Getting colder...

"Yeah, I guess so. Just kinda weird." He sighed and clicked the remote.

Time to push back where I came from. I will get answers. "You guess?"

"Yeah." He read the description for a show.

"So it is about Sam." Boom! He tensed up again, a little subtler this time. "It's specifically Sam, isn't it."

"No?" The word curved upward into a question. 

"Yes, it is! Colby, I can read body language. This is making you super uncomfortable. Why can't we be flirty like always when Sam's here?"

"Because Sam's my closest friend, and it's like making him third wheel and stuff!" He raised his hands defensively.

I let silence settle for a little, before I said, "Okay. Sorry if I pushed it too hard, you can tell me whenever you want."

He sighed and chose a TV show for us to watch. It was silent for a while, but it gradually felt normal as we started laughing together at the show. Eventually it was just back to normal and we were working together like old times.

Once it was time for me to leave, all was well and I left with a hug and a wave. Colby can take his time, maybe he just wants to ease up on the whole charade. That's okay with me; less complicated relationship can mean better friendship. 

S  A  M

That was the most awkward video for me. Sometimes, I'd just look at the camera and act scared, even though I was a little annoyed. But I just gotta get over it, they have their own social media face. At least I have Colby off camera.

He brought be food while I was editing out all the uncomfortable glances between Colby and I, and he seemed super apologetic. He said sorry, and hugged me, so I kissed him and said it was okay. He seemed happier then.

I know he's just worried that I'll feel left out. I don't feel left out, just really uncomfortable. I gotta learn to accept it, cause they keep it up for a reason. YouTube clickbait can be a powerful thing. I know a thing or two about that, as Colby and I have used clickbait about us being together. Of course, we debunked it every time. That's okay, I'd rather keep us private.

After Brennen left, Colby came up and laid on my bed. 

"This video was taking an incredibly long time to edit, but I'm almost done."

"Okay. Sorry again if it was weird or something," he said, looking at me.

"Don't worry about it. I know you guys like to play around and joke about that stuff."

"I'm going to ask Brennen if we could ease up a little. I feel bad for making the viewers think it's real and because I'm leaving you out."

"Don't do it for me, whatever you do. I know you enjoy it, and it helps your videos. I completely understand." I smiled at him to show it, and he smiled back. 

"Thanks, Sam. I'm glad you get me, even when I don't get me!"

We laughed and I clicked Upload. "Done!"

I flopped into the bed next to him and ran my fingers through his hair. Even when it didn't look soft, it was soft and I loved to touch it. Plus, he seemed to enjoy it when I did. 

"I'm tired, even though it's still daytime." He yawned. (I yawned just by writing 'yawned')

"Me too. Wanna take a nap?"

"Of course!" 

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight? Good afternoon?" He said dazedly.

"Sleep well, Colby."

WHY ARE ALL MY CHAPTERS BECOMING SO SHORT!? Do u guys want the longer chapters back or is that too exhausting for you? 

Suggest an event below in the comments! I'd love to hear your guys' ideas

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