37 Days Until Graduation

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{Day 3: 37 Days to go}


It was six am and I just finished up my morning run. As I jogged into my house I was greeted by the smell of my mother making a bacon, egg and hash brown wrap. She added ketchup just before handing it to me and kissing my forehead.

"Good run, honey?"

"Yes thank you mother. This looks good as always." She thanked me before pointing to the kitchen side.

"Your lunch is on the side, I made a nice salad like you asked. How come the sudden change, sweet?"

"Patton and his new friend pointed out that while I do a lot of exercise, my diet is not the best. Patton is always looking out for me like that." I smiled at the thought of how amazing of a friend he is and how much he cares for everyone, not just me.

"Yes, he is a very sweet boy. I'm so glad you found such good friends." Mother left up the stairs returning to her room, she doesn't work on a Wednesday so she'll be going back to bed. My father ditched my mother for a younger wife, new kids and moved half way across the world. I don't talk to him, he doesn't deserve it.

After a shower, getting dressed and other morning routines, I get ready to leave for school. Slipping my converses on, I shouted goodbye to my mother to let her know I was leaving, and for her to have a good day. I casually strolled down the drive to my white car, throwing my bag into the black interior, climbing into the drivers seat. Putting the key in the ignition and turning Beyonce's CD up, I pulled out of the drive and sped down the road.

When I pulled up to school, I noticed I was a little earlier than usual. "Perhaps Virgil is here?" I caught myself mumbling as I reached to the back seats grabbing my bag. "No! What am I saying! He is my enemy. That was one time, I helped him out because he was in a bad state. Anyone would do the same." I felt my cheeks heat up a little. "No stop! Darn it!" I don't like him.

Angrily getting out the car and slamming the door, I swing my bag over my shoulder and lock the car up. Storming up the sidewalk, I go straight through the main gates and into then school. I don't like him. I don't like him. I don't like him. I stopped at some glass doors. Staring at my reflection.

"Oh my god." I hoarsely whispered. "I like him."


Homeroom. I hate it.

"Hi Roman!" A girl giggled. "I'm single now just in case you were wondering." She flicked her long blond hair back. I nodded my head as an okay. I was not in the mood to deal with those girls at the moment. "Well you're no fun today." Spinning on her heels, she left in a huff. My mind was still spinning. I like Virgil. Why on earth- When on earth did this happen? I mean I always new I wasn't interested in girls, but I thought it was just because I hadn't found the right girl.

No! It can't be true. I like him platonically, yeah that's all. Its platonic. Well, he is hot. Stop! No no no! Platonic, Roman! It's platonic!



After music, I headed to my art class. Although there was something about Roman bothering me. Well Roman is always bothering me, but this time its different. He seemed quiet that lesson. He was out of it. I'd recognise it anywhere. I'm always like that. Is there someth- ow!

A stinging pain shot through my ear. Did he seriously just flick my ear? Pathetic. Although I should've had my hood up.

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