35 Days Until Graduation

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{Day 5: 35 Days to go}


I strolled into school, Logan by my side as he had given me a lift this morning so that I wouldn't be late. We both talked about how school had been and how weird but kinda okay it was hanging out with two of the most popular people in the school. We also had a conversation on how excited Patton was about Logan being gay.

"Just because he was excited does not mean that he has affection towards me, Virgil. You know that first hand, you seemed excited when I came out to you." I rolled my eyes and sighed, knowing he was right.

We sat in homeroom and chatted a bit while we registered and other things, before heading off to our first lesson. Mine just so happened to be music and our project was due. I have a feeling it was for something since we had such a short time to do it.

When I trudged into the classroom, Princey was already there. I sat down next to him, getting my books out as usual and trying not to make eye contact.

"Alright! I hope you all finished your project on time because one pair will be peforming it at the town festival this Sunday!" Sir said proudly as he walked into the classroom. My eyes widened surely that couldn't be true.

"Sir," Roman started, lowering his hand after being noticed, "surely we wouldn't have enough time to prepare?" He asked my exact thoughts. "And what if the people you pick, doesn't, can't or won't perform?"

"Fine questions lad! However, if you perform and perform well, it will boost your final grade to an A Star!" I personally didn't care and would rather not perform however Prince thought over it.

"Okay." What!? Is he INSANE!? It is not 'okay'!? I just sat and gaped at Roman.

By the end of our lesson, Sir had gone over all the songs and music each pair had handed in. The entire lesson I had been on edge, waiting to be told who was performing, I was shaking, biting my nails, and had a sick feeling in my stomach. I think Princey noticed but he didn't say anything. Finally the time had come.

"Okay so, the pair that had the most amazing and creative song and who will be performing is, Roman and Virgil!" FUCK! I sat wide eyed and open-mouthed. I am doomed. I didn't know what to think or how to process this.

  "Just give the class an idea about what the song is about." Mr Taylor's annoyingly cheery voice asked. Roman, once again answered on behalf of us both.

"It's about a guy who is scared to tell a man that he loves him because this man is straight." Roman explained seeming unusually off. The class looked shocked but some smiled seeming to think it was good, or at least the girls did.

I began to panic and as soon as I got out of class, I made a dash for the bathrooms. I think Prince followed me as I heard him enter a minute or so after me.

"Virgil?" Someone else's voice called. I was once again in the end cubicle. Who is this guy? Was he the one here last time? Surely it was Prince that followed me? No! Of course it wasn't! Why would he care!? Why would anyone care??

I felt someone sit against the door, I was also leaning against. I couldn't help but sniffle, if I wore my eye shadow at school it would definitely be ruined. Once again, this person slid the same unopened packet of tissues under the door. I continued crying, silently.

Couldn't Be More Different [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now