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Logan's tattoo and a scene from last chapter xx ♤ (spade makes a good up arrow right? XD)



"Hey, you're awake." Virgil stated, strolling through the door taking a bite out of his snickers bar, which I assumed he had grabbed out the vending machine.

"Yeah," I yawned, pushing myself up off the hospital bed. I shivered as the comforter dropped off me. Virgil scoffed amusedly and took off his black hoodie, handing it to me. "Oh, thank you." I pulled the 'holey' hoodie over my head, it was really warm and very worn down but definitely comfortable. The familiar smell of which ever aftershave he uses mixed with his natural smell was, calming, in a sense.

He smirked as he plopped into the chair next to my bed, there was a blanket on it, his bag had a towel and his swimming trunks hanging out of it, while it was propped against the leg of the chair. My bag was hung over the chair back. Patton's mom brought me some clothes last night since Patton has a spare key to my house in case of emergency. Logan picked out clothes for Virgil so he could get changed. "Your mom not phoned yet?"

"Nah, I got a text, she'll come see me when she finishes work."

"That sucks. She didn't say much when the dude phoned yesterday?"

"Nope not really and yeah well, it's okay. Did you stay over night?"


"I thought closing hours for visitors we're at nine?"

" 'parently I fell asleep in the chair and nurse didn't have the heart to wake me up. When I woke up a few hours ago I had a blanket over me. Heh." He smiled fondly. Making me smile, something about his smile was sweet and calming. Not like Pattons whose is bright and sunny. Or Logan's which is grounding and caring.

"Have they said anything yet?"

"Nothings changed since last night they want to check your blood pressure and temperature again but we're all good to leave once they're done."

"Ugh. I hate the blood pressure thing, it's so uncomfortable when it squeezes my bicep."

"Yeah well, it's a regular part of being in hospital, the other tests were cause you swallowed a lot of water." I looked down before back up at Virgil, tears had filled my eyes a little. I was so stupid.

"Hey," he hushed a little, his expression softening, "It's okay. Umm... hey! I know, when we get back maybe I could do your makeup again? You seemed to like it last time..." he looked away with a small smile, twiddling his fingers.

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Virge looked back, nodding. "Yes!!" I shouted excitedly. Virgil smiled more than I'd seen before, his teeth showing a little in the process, so cute - uh adorable! I mean! Uhm sweet, yeah! It was sweet. He quickly noticed and hid his mouth behind his light gray t-shirt sleeve.



An hour or two later, I was discharged from the hospital and my mother picked us up.

"You sure you feeling okay sweetheart? I can always drop your friends here off and we can head home."

"I'm fine mother, really. I want to see everyone first." My mother glanced up at the mirror in order to see us in the back, she acted like our argument never happened. Maybe I could tell Virgil about our argument? No... I don't want to upset him, he's got enough on his mind after everything that happened with his dad and stuff.

Couldn't Be More Different [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt