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Trigger Warning: Referencing Abuse.



I hummed as I studied the websites that google had brought up. Clicking on the second one, I waited for it to load. As I was waiting, my mobile vibrated, alerting me there was a message from the group chat.

DarkStrangeSon: who changed my name
Romano: Probably Patton
Intellectual Homosexual: Who showed him how to change the names?
Romano: That was me! I have no regrets!
Romano: And I showed him the emojis...
HappyPappyPatton Hehe😁😇 DarkStrangeSon: im not your son

When I turned away from the messages, my page had loaded. I read about lots of different facts about astronomy. Once again, my phone vibrated.

HappyPappyPatton: Lo! You want to come for a walk with me and Phoebe? Roman is at Virgil's so I thought we could hang out if you want!😋
Intellectual Homosexual: Sure, I will be right over.
DarkStrangeSon: send help im stuck with this one all day
Romano: Ah! Rude! You enjoy my company really!
DarkStrangeSon: do not
Romano: Do too!
DarkStrangeSon: do not

I chuckled at the two as I closed my tab and logged off. Checking if I looked decent, I grabbed my car keys and exited the house.

"Logan!" My mother called to me before I opened the car door. "Have a nice time, hon. Be back before 10 tonight." I nodded and waved goodbye before slipping into the drivers seat. I listened to the radio, hearing something about Virgils father's business however I didn't pay a lot of attention. Instead I was wondering why my face felt warm and why I had a weird sensation in my stomach, at the thought of Patton. Was I sick? No, I don't think I would be.

When I pulled up to Patton's house, he was already at the window waiting for me. His grin widened as I waved, walking up and knocking on his door. The door quickly flew open, an excited Patton stood there. He was wearing different clothes to what he usually wore at school, he was wearing a blue jacket, only slightly too big for him so that the sleeves fell over his hands, and a white polo shirt. As well as his jeans and sneakers.

"Good morning, Patton." I greeted as he stepped aside allowing me in. He continued to smile, just like his mother who appeared from upstairs.

"Is this the Logan I have heard all about?" She asked happily, her hair was in a loose bobble that fell to her side, with a pastel blue dress. She held her hands in front of her one on top of the other. I noticed Patton blushing, and I could feel my face warm up too. His father was sat on couch reading. He got up and stood next to Patton's mom. He was quite tall and slightly intimidating.

"Moooommmm." Patton whined. She chuckled, calling for Phoebe. When the golden retriever came and sat ready to leave, we opened the door again and stepped out, Patton carrying a picnic basket.

"You kids have fun, Logan you're welcome anytime." I thanked her as we headed down the drive, when Patton's father called after us.

"Logan, don't be getting handsy with my son!" He shouted in a hopefully none threatening way. I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled.

"You can trust that I will not, sir." His father smiled and left, I presume to continue reading his book. Patton was still blushing but this time I just chuckled.

Couldn't Be More Different [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now