33 Days Until Graduation

360 31 11

Trigger Warning: Abuse, blood, arguments and bruises.
Please stay safe xx


{Day 7: 33 Days to go}


I woke to my sister shaking me, crying. Worry clear in her eyes, she kept glancing back at my door which had my chair underneath the handle.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I shot up, spinning to face her properly. She sat on my legs and cried into my shoulder.

"D-dad caught me downstairs, I-I was trying to ge-" I looked at her in shock.

"Dad isn't meant to be home?" I stated in a question. She nodded and cried more. "Quickly, tell me what happened?"

"I was trying to get a drink and I spilt it accidentally and he was just stood there and he looked so mad and started wlking towards me so I ran up here." She sobbed.

"Here," I moved her off my lap and tucked her into my bed, passing her a small wolf teddy. "He won't ever hurt you, don't worry, I promise." I softly smiled, before turning to throw on a t-shirt.

I moved the chair and stepped out, closing the door behind me. I had no idea what time it was, but looking at the dark sky, I gave a wild guess of around 4-ish. Doing my best to seem confident, I crept downstairs.

As expected, my dad waited for me, knowing I'd come to stand up for Raven.

"You're sister is a little shit, but I suppose she gets that from you." He glared, his fists clenched.

"Don't touch her." I replied, my voice wavering. He smirked.

"Oh? It seems you've grown some balls." He laughed, stomping towards me. I didn't know what was best, fight, or flight? No. This is for Raven. I stood my ground, trying to block his punch, but compared to him, I was nothing.

I felt blood trickle down my chin, from my lip. That's really gonna leave a mark. My legs shook as I tried to look back to him, bringing my hand to touch my now, throbbing lip.

He laughed once more, "Is she really worth all this? You could've just let me hit her and not got involved."

I glared at him, anger filling inside me, "She's worth every ounce!" I shouted. I could throw a good punch, but not to him, I just couldn't. I was too scared. His eyes darkened and he grabbed me by the throat, pushing me against the wall. I tried to pull his hands off as I was beggining to lose air.

The room started to go black and slowly I stopped struggling. He loosened his grip, causing me to drop to the floor coughing and spluttering.

"That should teach you." I watched him walk to his office and slam his door.

Picking my self up - after breathing steadily and wiping away the blood with the back of my hand - I headed back to my room. My sister lay awake with a waterfall of tears. It broke my heart to see her so upset. She ran over to me, worry filled her eyes as she cried. Begging me not to keep getting hurt for her. I crouched down to her level.

"Raven, I'll do anything to protect  you." I whispered tucking her long hair behind her ear. She cried more.

"But Virgey, you act so strong, but I know he hurts you so bad." I smiled sadly, kissing her forehead.

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