34 Days Until Graduation

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Trigger Warning: Talk of alcohol usage and mention of tormenting because of sexuality.
Please stay safe yall xx


{Day 6: 34 Days to go}


It was another routine morning, back to school once more. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my glasses off my bedside table. Slipping from underneath my comforter, I got up out of bed and started trudging downstairs in just my grey sweatpants and glasses. The wooden floor was cold against my bare feet and when I opened the door to the kitchen, my chest was hit with a cold breeze that made me regret not putting a shirt on beforehand.

Putting four slices of bread into the toaster, I switched the already-full kettle on. Taking two cups out the cuboard and getting the butter and a knife, I made a cup of peppermint tea and a black coffee. I also made breakfast for each of my brothers. Putting the four plates with two slices of buttered toast each on the table, along with a glass of watered down orange juice each.

"Logie?" A voice yawned. I turned to see my youngest brother, Milo, stood in the door of the kitchen in his pajamas. I smiled at him and crouched down to his level.

"Milo? Why are you up? You didn't need to get up for another..." I checked my wrist only to realise my watch was still upstairs.

"Five minutes." He finished for me, he was only six years old but he was smart for his age. "Liam was snoring too loud." I nodded my head in understanding and chuckled. I forget how irritating it would to share a room with three others. Standing back up, I smiled once more.

"You're breakfast is on the table, once you have finished, get changed and brush your teeth, okay?" He nodded happily running to the table. I grabbed the two drinks and headed upstairs. Quickly placing the coffee on my bedside table, I walked out and very quietly entered my mother's room. I took a hold of the empty vodka bottle by her bed and replaced it with the tea.

My mother is delightful woman however, she first got an addiction to drinking when I was about seven years old but managed to stop after three years. She then started getting into arguments with an old friend about something (I'm unaware of.) and then her so called "friend" started tormenting her for her sexuality. Soon after, my mother found a girlfriend, called Jasmine. I was around sixteen. Jasmine currently, is trying to pursue an acting career in Boston (a three hour flight away) and they have a long distance relationship but without her here, my mother is getting into old habits.

I gently tapped my mother's shoulder, she slowly opened her eyes, I whispered, "There is some peppermint tea here for you, it will help with your hangover. Get plenty of rest." She mouthed a thank you before kissing my forehead and going back to sleep. Quietly exiting her room, I strolled into my brothers' room.

I looked around the messy bedroom, It was the biggest room in the house, containing two bunk beds and a fitted wardrobe across one wall, big enough for all of their clothes. Underneath the two bottom bunks were boxes filled with Lego, toy cars and old stuffed animals. On the notches of the bed, hung their coats and school bags.

On the first two bunks were the twins, Liam and Ethan, my half brothers. My mother had them to another man when I was four, but he left her when I was seven which was what caused my mothers drinking problem to begin with. So I was looking after her and my two brothers at a young age, with the help of Virgil's mother, before she was murdered when Virgil was eleven. My adopted brothers slept in the other bunk bed, Isaac on the top bunk and Milo (eating breakfast already) slept on the bottom.

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