30 Days Until Graduation

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Trigger Warning: Talk of police stations and court.

Ooooh boy you guys are gonna enjoy this one <3

{Day 10: 30 Days to go}


Individually all our parents were keep us off school, so that the police could talk to us about the case.

Further investigation was going to be carried out, in order to confirm our suspisions and a court date had yet to be set. Once we were finished at the police stations, Patton's mother took the day off work and picked us up.

When we arrived at their home, there was a big package by the couch.

"Mom?" Patton asked staring at it.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She smiled.

"Whats that?"

"Oh! Right, right. Well me and your father thought that Virgil could share a room with you and Raven could have the spare room. So we got you boys bunk beds, next day delivery is a life saver. But, is that okay?"

"Whoa, yeah! Thanks mom."

"Yeah thank you so much Mrs-" Virgil started.

"It's Kate, darling."

"Oh, uh thanks, Kate." He smiled awkwardly. "Raven!" He whisper shouted to his sister, who was half asleep in his arms.

"Yeah! Yeah.. Thanks Kate." She thanked, drifting back to sleep. Kate chuckled.

"What did they say about your house?"

"Oh, it's in police possession until they figure what to do with it. So were safe to leave our belongings there and we still have our keys."

"Thats good. Did your mother leave a will?"

"I think so, however I was told everything belonged to our father."

"Hmm.. that doesn't sound right."


"Oh nothing! Come on, you guys must be dying for something to eat." She said, hurrying to the kitchen. "Actually, how about you guys go set you rooms out and make that bed. Oh, and Patton?"

"Yeah mom?"

"Show Raven to her new room."

"Of course!"



Excitedly, I ran up the stairs, everyone except my adoptive mother, following behind. No, I haven't just forgotton, I love them and they'll always be my parents it just hurts that they never told me.

I showed Raven to the small spare room, first. Virgil laid her on the bed wear she was about to snuggle into before ahe quickly looked around.

"Sorry, I imagine its a lot smaller than what you're used to but, it is definitely comfy." I apologised, smiling and rubbing the back of my neck. She stared in awe for a moment.

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