36 Days Until Graduation

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{Day 4: 36 Days to go}


The bus was loud. Really loud. When I took my seat at the back, I began to talk to everyone sat around me. They all seemed excited for an up coming festival happening somewhere in the town. Maybe Logan would want to go? The thought made me remember that Logan had given me his number after we had dinner together, but I was still yet to try it, he also gave me Virgil's incase I couldn't contact him. Hmm. Oh I know!

You created a group chat.

- You added Logan to the group chat.
- You added Virgil to the group chat.
- You added Roman to the group chat.

Patton: Heya guys!
Virgil: what is this
Patton: A group chat!
Virgil: i see that
Virgil: y tho
Patton: I thought it would be fun! :P
Roman: Why was I LAST to be added!? This is outrageous!

I chuckled at Roman's text, earning a couple of stares from people. He hates being last to things. By now the bus was only a few streets away from the school.

Patton: Sorry Roman! ^^;
Virgil: how did you get my number
Patton: Logan gave it to me! :D
Patton: Sorry kiddos! I gotta run! Bus is almost there, buhbye!
Roman: Farewell Patton
Virgil: cya

When I exited the bus, a small group of girls surrounded me. One placed an arm around me and another started talking.

"So Patton, why does a cutie like you not have a girlfriend yet?" She giggled, flicking her hair back.

"Oh, I'm really flattered ladies! But I'm not interested in dating at the moment." I smiled, removing the girls arm from around my shoulders. I skipped ahead of them a little and turned round walking backwards. "By the way, you both look really nice!" Paying them a little compliment, I spun round and headed into the school.

On my way through the main hall, I bumped into Max again. This time he seemed to be troubled by something other than physical tasks.

"Hey! You alright there kiddo? You seem stressed." I asked.

"Oh hey Patt, yeah I just- well there's this girl and I really like her. But I don't know if she likes me back. I'm too scared to a- hey! Do you think you could ask her for me?" He interrupted his own sentence.

"Of course! Who is it?"
"Hazel Cross."
"Oh! The British girl who joined last year?"
"Y-yeah." He replied bashfully.

I grinned and winked at him before leaving to homeroom.


Lunch time! This morning had flown by! English with Logan was fun, I got to talk a lot with Princey before art. Although he said he was struggling with something but didn't want to say. Hmm, perhaps it's some self-esteem issues. Pffft who am I kidding Princey? Self-esteem issues? Neve-

My train of thought was interrupted when I hit the ground with a loud thud. Ouch... I rubbed my head and opened my eyes. Whoever it was that I bumped into, we had managed to headbutt each other. When I looked to see who it was, I saw Logan straightening his glasses and quickly gathering stray sheets of paper.

I crawled over helping him pick up the sheets. Is that... poetry? Logan cleared his throat before I could read what they said. I handed him the sheet and we both stood up. The halls were empty as everyone likes to eat in the cafeteria or outside, the odd few in the library.

Couldn't Be More Different [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now