32 Days Until Graduation

403 33 39

Trigger Warning: Bullying and graphic fight scene.
Stay safe x


{Day 8: 32 Days to go}


I woke to Pheobe licking my face like normal, she's the best alarm clock ever. I got dressed out of my minion pj pants and packed my school bag. I played with Pheobe a little before my mother shouted me down for breakfast. I tripped down the stairs a bit, Pheobe trailing behind and skidded into the kitchen.

"Your cereal is on the table, love. Oh and your father already left for work, sorry sweetheart, I know you like to say goodbye first."

"Thanks mom! And oh its okay, he must've had something important to do."

I poured some food into Phoebe's bowl, accidentally missing it a few times, before sitting down for mine. Not too long after, I had finished and my mom handed me my freshly made lunch. I slipped it into my bag and grabbed my cardigan off the coat rack. Placing it on and rolling my sleves up, I said goodbye to my mother and Phoebe before walking out the door.

As I walked down the street towards my bus stop before a car pulled up next to me, depite the road being busy, a head poked out the passenger window.

"C'mon, get in." Virgil's voice sounded, I tilted my head in confusion before jumping in the back. The car did its best to safely pull back onto the road, but ended with someone beeping the horn at us.

"Sorry I didn't realise it was you guys 'til Virge said somethin."

"It's okay Patt, wheres ya glasses though?" I stopped for a moment.

"Oh shoot! Thats why I've been so clumsy this morning! I'm so blind, literally. Oh well, I keep emergency contacts in my locker." I laughed.

"I will be willing to help you, if necessary?" Logan offered.

"Really? Thank you Logan!"


Not too long after, the engine stopped and I made the assumption we was at school. I can't believe I forgot my glasses, like, I'm literally blind without them! How didn't I notice???

I managed to open the car door, nearly hitting Virgil (I think) with it. He laughed and helped me up, out of the dark blue vehicle.

"Thanks kiddo!" Knowing Virgil, he probably scowled.

"I'm older than you."

"But I'm still olderr." I sang, sticking my tounge out at him, he just mumbled a defeated, 'yea wutever'.

Next thing I know, someone grabbed my hand, and linked fingers. Before gently, pulling me towards school. Virgil walking next to me. I looked to my right to see Logan. It soon clicked I was holding hands with him and my face began to heat up.

"Patton, hold my hand a bit tighter, it's the best way I can support you and stop people knocking into you, okay?" I nodded and tightened my grip. A small content smile settled on my face.

As I was guided to my locker, people began to whisper and then laugh. I couldn't quite see who but I heard Virgil growl once or twice.

Couldn't Be More Different [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon