Chapter 2 - Scorpius [UPDATED]

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"Wanna be with you all alone"

I walked into the common room grinning like a madman. A few people seated in various chairs gave me curious looks as I paused to glance around, but only one rose to greet me, sliding forward before I could pretend I hadn't seen her.

Priscilla Nott, the daughter of two of my father's former classmates, advanced on me like a snake ready to pounce. A snake with long legs, a generously exposed chest, and a sensual smile, that is. Her dark eyes held mine as she came towards me, finally pausing when her face was only centimetres from mine.

"Scorpius," she said, the words forming on her red lips as both a greeting and a question, breathed against mine. "We have some... unfinished business." She twirled a strand of her straight, glossy dark hair around her index finger and leaned into me even further. "I've learned some new things since last time," she whispered, her voice husky as her lips brushed against my ear.

I laughed, low in my throat, and tried to ignore the fact that her breasts were brushing against me. "Who's been teaching you these new things? Should I be worried?"

Prissy only smirked. "It's none of your business. The only thing you need to worry about is how tired I could make you tonight."

Her hand, fingernails painted black, was creeping its way slowly down my side. My breath caught as she reached the place where my shirt hem fell and her cool fingers brushed against my bare skin. She knew me all too well, physically speaking. She knew that in another two minutes, I'd have her pressed against the wall of the nearest closet if she kept teasing me like that. But she didn't know where I'd been just now, and certainly couldn't predict what I did next: I took a step back.

Prissy raised an eyebrow at me, not quite smiling anymore. She didn't look offended, just surprised.

In a low voice, I said, "It truly pains me to turn down such a tempting offer... But I can't go with you just now. Perhaps... another time."

The dark-haired girl smiled in a way that some would have described as malicious, but I knew what it meant. It was an expectation. She stepped forward and, before I could dodge her, pressed her lips to the corner of my mouth. "You know where to find me," she said in a sultry tone before slipping away.

My own body was rather frustrated that I had turned Prissy down, especially in recollection of the stolen minutes I'd spent with her in the dungeons this morning... but I couldn't have possibly gone with her now. Not after the conversation I'd just had with Rose. She clearly didn't have much faith in me, and the last thing I needed was for her to hear that I'd gone and hooked up with Prissy Nott barely twenty minutes after asking her out.

Ignoring the disbelieving looks I was now getting from the kids in the common room, I made my way swiftly to the entrance to the seventh year boy's dormitory and stepped inside. The room was simple but elegant, with dark walls, expensive wooden furnishings, and emerald green draperies on the bedposts. Lamps hung at intervals along the walls, casting a warm glow over the space. At the moment, three of the four beds present were empty — only Albus Potter, my best friend, was reclining on his, scribbling on a parchment.

He glanced up as I shut the door behind me, and set down his quill to run a hand through his dark, messy hair. "Hey," he said, and as I waved and came closer and he squinted at me. "Is that lipstick on your mouth?" Then he bit his lip and frowned. "Actually, I don't want to know." He picked up his quill again, shaking his head as he turned back to whatever he was writing.

I laughed as I kicked my shoes off and sunk down onto my own bed. "Don't be like that. Prissy accosted me in the common room."

My friend looked up at me again, lifting his eyebrows. "Considering the way you were groping her in the hallway this morning, I wasn't aware you had such an aversion to Prissy Nott."

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