Epilogue pt. 1 - Rose

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10 Years Later

I stare at my reflection with nervous uncertainty. Is the dress too elaborate? Should I have left my hair down? No one else will wonder these things, but I can't help it. I meet Lysa's eyes in the mirror. "It feels like too much," I say.

My friends shakes her head. "Don't doubt yourself, Rose. It's perfect."


"Yes, really. You. Look. Amazing."

"She's right, you know," says Lily, who has just reentered the tent. "You're stunning, Rose. Just like always."

I sigh. "Don't say nice things to me. I'll cry, and it'll ruin my makeup."

"Your makeup is magic; it won't get messed up," said a third voice, more youthful than the others. The girl who just spoke comes up to me and wraps her arms around me. "You should listen to your friends, Mum."

Willow is ten (and a half) years old now, and she radiates sunshine with every smile and word. I could never have asked for a sweeter, more beautiful daughter. She's glowing today in a sky-blue dress that matches Lysa and Lily's - it was never an option to leave her out of the ceremony. I beam and squeeze her tightly. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?"

"Grandma says you need company more than she does."

"I hope you're not intending to gobble up the rest of my snacks," I say with a laugh, seeing my daughter eye the plates on the table as she pulls out of my embrace.

"No, don't worry, I won't." She proceeds to stuff a whole cookie in her mouth.

I laugh. "You are a shameless liar, you know that?"

"I know," she says.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scold. "People will think I haven't taught you basic table manners."

Willow giggles and ducks out of the tent.

"They'll never blame it on you, Rose," Lysa says dryly. "They'll just say it's the Malfoy genes coming back to bite."

I smile bemusedly. "Are you kidding? Malfoys are extraordinarily well-bred. Or so Scorpius always claims."

Outside, music is playing. Lily pokes her head through the tent to confirm that we are ready and give them permission to officially begin the ceremony. When she does so, Hugo slips in and comes up to me.

My brother, now a respected Auror and also approaching matrimony in a month or so, looks charming in his shirt and tie. He smiles at me, shaking his head. "You look like a goddess, Rose."

"You flatter me unnecessarily," I laugh. "How are things out there?"

"Like an earthly paradise. People can't stop admiring the gardens. And Mum looks as happy as she did in her own wedding photos." His smile turns bittersweet. "I wish Dad were here for today," he says quietly.

I nod, suddenly blinking back tears. "Me, too."

"He would have been so happy to walk you down that aisle..."

I take Hugo's hand and squeeze it tightly. The heart attack that took my father far too early was a profound shock to all of us, but my brother had suffered more from it than anyone, excepting Mum. "I know," I say. "But since he couldn't... there's nobody I'd rather have had than you."

He swallows, hard, and I know he's trying not to cry. "Merlin, Rosie, I can't believe we're here. It seems we've grown up so fast."

"Yes, it does," I sigh, before changing the subject to fend off the incoming tears. "Have you seen Brandon?"

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