Papa isn't coming home?

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A few weeks have passed and it was the weekend. You were taking a stroll through the park when you heard someone running towards you.

"(y/n)!" Was it Sarada?

"Guess what?! Guess what?! Papa is coming back home!"


You had to stop everything you were doing because Sakura's husband was possibly going to come back home for a visit. The woman you love, yes, is married. It slipped your mind again and hearing her daughter tell you the news brought you back to reality. You couldn't help but feel a bit melancholy. At the same time, you couldn't help but feel conflicted because the smile on Sarada's face said it all. She clearly misses her father and wants to see him. All of Iruka's words of wisdom were coming into play and these are the feelings he wanted you to avoid. So suddenly though? You took Sarada by the hand to make your way back home. If you were lucky, Sakura would be home.

It took some time but you made it back to Sakura's place and luckily, she was home.

"Sakura! Sarada tells me that Sasuke is coming back?"

"Sasuke-Kun is coming back?!"

Her question left you in confusion. She didn't know? Is it not true?

"Um... I don't know now. That is what Sarada told me."

"Sarada! Who told you that?"

"I heard it around the village! People were saying that an Uchiha was returning. That has to be papa right? There aren't many Uchihas left, mama." You couldn't help but feel bad because she was excited about a rumor. It's not like the Hokage, who is very close friends with Sasuke, told her, her father was coming back home. You only watched as Sakura had a hard conversation with her daughter.

"Sarada. Papa is not coming home. He would have said something to me or Naruto. I haven't heard anything about it. I think people in the village probably heard something else or made a mistake. I'm sorry, sweety."

"NO! Mama! You have to believe that papa is coming home!"

"He would have said something to me, Sarada."

"What if he didn't get a chance to yet or he wants to surprise us! You have to believe it, mama!"

"Sarada..." Sakura didn't know what to say. So you decided to tag yourself in.

"Hey, kiddo. I don't think it's such a great idea to get your mom too worked up about this. At least not right now. She isn't sure yet that your dad is coming home. She is saying that she isn't sure because no one told her anything. You're the first to inform her. But for now, let us wait until we have all of the information. Sounds good?"

"'re right. I'm sorry, mama. I just miss Papa so much." It was then, tears starting to swell up in her dark eyes. She landed in the arms of her mother as she kept letting out all the tears for her long-gone father. You felt terrible. You felt like your throat was in knots. You hated hearing her cry. You hated hearing her cry over her father because this is far from the first time. This is the reason why you can't bear the thought of giving up on them. You were reminded in that moment why you wanted to be the one to be there because you clearly are in this very second. You are the one here to console her daughter, you are the one here giving true teamwork to the woman you love. Sasuke is doing none of those things and here they are, missing him like tomorrow does not exist.

The more you thought about Sasuke not being around, the more you felt your blood begin to boil but the last thing you want to do is get angry in front of Sarada over something like this. You took in a deep breath and went in for a group hug. When you wrapped your arms around them, you felt Sarada's hand grab your sleeve tightly. It was then that your eyes met Sakura's. Her eyes were teary. You eyes only carried anger but you tried your best not to show it.

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