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The fight between you and the woman raged on for quite some time. This was exactly the information you needed to bring back to the village. Information on the woman and now to bring back the scroll. Of course, this is going to be the hard part of the mission considering you weren't up against any of those low-ranked ninjas from before, you were up against someone of your caliber, possibly stronger. If she turned out to be stronger, you'd had to play your cards right.

Kunais and shurikens were thrown about, fire tags exploding and disturbing the wildlife. Whatever was on this scroll, it was worth her protecting.

"Whatever is on this scroll must be pretty important for you to fight me for this long!" Her face showed a slight change to express her irritation in your comment. She guessed that you wouldn't have caught on.

"Observant I see. And from the village hidden in the leaf. Considering your comment, you know nothing about what is in this scroll."

"Doesn't mean I'm not willing to find out!" You said as you throw multiple shurikens as merely a distraction.

"You missed all of those throws? You must be a terrible ninja. I feel bad for your Hokage."

"Don't sell me so short just yet!" You shouted as you tugged on all that lines that were attached to the shurikens and was able to trap her to a nearby tree. You swung around the tree to made sure that she was on it tight. Pulling as hard as you could, you heard a loud cry of pain that sent shiver up your spine. Shivers that you couldn't understand why you were feeling in the first place. Were you feeling bad for hurting her?


Now that she was trapped and secured, you made your way to her and hurried to get the scroll before she could escape. You took it out of her pocket and put it away in your small bag to keep it safe. You took a glance at her and just realized how pretty she truly is. You really almost felt bad for doing this to her.

"Hey...I'm sorry that I have to do this..."

"Huh? What are you spewing on about? This is what you wanted no? To have the scroll since you figured out that it's important?"

"Yes. I did. As a ninja, I was able to succeed and accomplish half of my mission. But as a man, I truly feel bad. Honestly. I think that you are a very beautiful woman, I mean that in the dearest and respectful of ways. I'm just saddened that we didn't have a chance to meet on different terms."

Hearing your word made the woman blush. You didn't think your words would reach her but they did somehow. She looked down towards the grass for a bit and then back up at you.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks. May I ask your name?"


"Very suitable, Fumiko." You told her your name in exchange and she smiled softly.

"It is quite the shame that we didn't meet on different terms. You don't seem like such a bad fellow."

"Thank you, Fumiko. You don't know how much that means to me." You left out a heavy sigh right after because your time with, Fumiko was coming to a close and worse, you had to leave her that way because you didn't want to risk her following you back to the village.

"But, this is goodbye, Fumiko. Maybe in a different life, we can meet under better circumstances. Instead of battling each other as ninjas."

"Maybe in a different life." Her voice was much softer this time around which made it that much harder to leave. But, you did. You had to. You were able to leave the forest in one piece but meanwhile, you were making your leave, you made one last glance at her. She was looking back at you and she was smiling. Of course, you smiled back.

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