Coming Clean.

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Iruka just stopped by and asked how your visit to Fumiko went.

"Everything went great! I'm thinking to move in with her."

"What?! How?! You barely know her! I think you should wait longer before making such a leap!" You couldn't remember the last time he spoke this fast. It's been a while.

"I said I'm thinking about it. Not that I'm getting things ready to. I'm going to see her again next weekend. I want to visit her as often as possible and have her over whenever she'd like to. I really like her Iruka. I want to keep spending time with her."

"This is so different of you. The only person you were like this with was Sakura-san. I couldn't be happier for you!" He rushed over to give you a big hug. It actually made you smile.

"I thought I'd never see you this happy! It makes me so happy! NO ONE better get in the way of your happiness! It took too long to get here!" He was stern yet still filled with joy. It made you chuckle.

"I know. I know. It did take a long time but it was worth the wait you know?"

"I do." He smiled so happily.

"Make yourself at home. I have to let Fumiko know that I got home." You went back into the kitchen and dialed her number. In a few rings, she picked up. You let Fumiko know that you got home a while ago and was bombarded by your friends. She laughed. She talked about how it's nice that you have so many friends. It never sounds like you're bored.

You never thought of it that way because you've been so desperate for alone time in your house but she's right - it never is boring. You let her know that everything is okay and that you're going to have dinner at Sakura's. Also, that you plan to tell her everything tonight. Fumiko wished you luck. You two said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"Your eyes were so bright when you were speaking with Fumiko-san" Iruka pointed out while having the biggest smile on his face. You hushed him as you plotted down on the couch next to him.

"How was everything while I was gone?"

"Things are finally starting to settle. Sakura-san is doing much better. Sasuke-kun is ready to head back into the world. Sarad-san is training to be a great ninja as all the other younglings. The Hokage is...tired..."

"Hmm?..." You noticed the change of pitch in his voice.

"I..I just can't help but worry about Naruto. He looks more tired by the day and his family life..."

"Where is all this coming from?"

"I guess I'm just more worried than usual."

"Did something happen?"

"It's probably just me overthinking things but I feel like something may have happened."

"Well, you were his teacher for years and was basically his dad at his wedding. You can talk to him about literally anything and everything. He trusts you more than probably his own wife."

"I wouldn't go that far but maybe you have a point. I should have a talk with him. Thank you, (y/n). I'm going to head over to his office now. I'll see you later."

"Byye!" You said waving as you saw Iruka close your door. In seconds, you fell right asleep. Turned out you were more tired from the trip than you though.

When you woke up, you literally had half an hour until it was time to be at Sakura's house for dinner. You frantically jumped off your sofa and rushed to take a shower. You freshened up and rush over to your room. You threw on a dress shirt and a nice pair of bottoms. You put on casual dress shoes too, made sure you smelled good and your hair was brushed properly.

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