Let's Talk

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"You want to talk about what?" You responded with slight surprise. You couldn't believe this was happening and it was happening now of all times in the day. You can believe that Sakura ended up telling Sasuke about what happened before talking to you Granted, he is her husband and you haven't been available enough but she could have called maybe? No matter. The moment is here. 

You just couldn't believe that Sasuke waited for as long as he did to have this conversation with you and now you two are having it at such a late hour. You didn't do much today but still; this was the last way you wanted to end your day. Especially since you didn't get a chance to talk to Fumiko. You still felt kind of dumb about it.

"I want to talk you about what happened between you and Sakura when I was rendered unconscious."

You paused for a moment.

"I don't know what you're talking abou-"

Before you even had a chance to finish your sentence, Sasuke's Chidori instantly appear.

"Okay! Okay! No need to be rash! Yes, I know what you're talking about!"

"Then get to talking!"

You shrieked a little hearing how serious his voice became. You had no idea he carried such emotions towards Sakura. Yes, you know they are married and have been married for quite a long while now. Personally, you've just never seen him get like this when it came to her. You never knew he cared this much. You grew up watching her lovesick over a guy that never gave her a second thought. At least, that's what you thought.

"Whatever Sakura said is true. I told her that I was in love with her for a very long time - since we were kids."

Hearing that sentence, Sasuke began to cool off a bit. His Chidori slowly faded and he let out a deep breath. He was actually being sympathetic. Sasuke seems more...grown. You couldn't believe what was developing in front of you. You haven't interacted this much with Sasuke ever. This entire encounter was blowing your mind.

He didn't sit back down but you had his undivided attention. He was waiting to hear more.

"Since we were kids, I tried to get Sakura to like me but as everyone knew, she loved you. But, I honestly hated the way you were with her. I felt like you didn't deserve her. She spent years trying to get along with you and you practically ignored her unless you guys were on a mission and you felt compelled to save her."

As you were speaking, he slowly pulls out one of your kitchen chairs and sat down. You didn't realize how angry you were with Sasuke but you were even more surprised at what you were saying to him. Even though you dislike Sasuke, you've been scared of him for years because of how powerful of a ninja he then and now he's even more powerful; you know he can kill you in an instance. But, he's just sitting here, in your kitchen and disgesting what you just said to him.

"You're right."

"Huh?" You were stomped by his response.

"When we were younger, I was filled with nothing but the urge to gain strength and revenge. I was selfish when it came to everyone else. All they wanted to do was help but I wouldn't let them. I didn't want them to."

"W-why are you telling me all of this?" You couldn't help but ask such a question. Sasuke was opening up to you and telling you some very deep stuff about himself. Stuff you never knew. You knew about how he left the village but you never actually heard his side of things. You assumed the worst because you can never erase the day you found Sakura crying due to her feeling beyond desperate for Naruto and the others to bring him back; Sakura was devastated. 

When you came back home the other day from the mission and found her crying by the gates about Sasuke, that same anger came flooding back.

"I'm telling you to understand why I was the way I was with her. I was young and had my own goals that I wanted to accomplish. Sakura was thinking about love at the time but during those times, love was not on my mind. I didn't have the time for something luxurious as love."


"Love, to me, is something that you spend a lot of time and effort on in order to gain. Similar to something luxurious. Not everyone can have it, only those who work very hard for it can have it."

Whoa. Was all you thought in your mind. You've never been exposed to this side of Sasuke and gradually, you were starting to get why Sakura was so madly in love with him for as long as she has been. He was not like this as a kid but you guessed that she saw this side of him when others didn't.

"I've never thought of it that way."

"Neither did I until Sakura and I started dating. She worked so hard to show me how much she cared for me. When we started dating, I learned that it was my turn. I knew I finally had an opportunity but I knew if she didn't want to be with me, she'd go in a heartbeat."


"Just because you love someone unconditionally with all your heart, doesn't mean you have to be with them. No one has to be with anyone. We all choose who we want to spend our time with."

"...that's true."

"I hope you understand things better."

"You know what, Sasuke? I surprisingly do. I am truly sorry. I had no idea how you felt and frankly, I don't think I ever took the time out to."

"I know I can be a scary guy."

"Beyond scary." You quickly responded.

"But Sarada is very fond of you. As is Sakura. I didn't like the idea of you being around at first but the girls speak very highly of you. Despite your poor judgment, you're not a terrible person."

"Thanks for the compliment?" You weren't sure if Sasuke was saying a good thing or an insult but you decided to take it for what it was worth.

"But, I do have to make one thing clear. Now that you do have a better understanding of my love and compassion for Sakura, I advise you to no longer try to get close to my wife romantically. I am the only one who will be doing that. Do we have an understanding?"

You felt chills run up your spine at his last statement. He really is in love with Sakura. You hadn't the slightest clue. Even the expression on his face said everything you needed to know; this was your first warning and if you ever tried to get close to Sakura's face with your face, Sasuke will find you and kill you instantly.

"We do Sasuke. We have a better and deep understanding of everything."

"Good to hear. Well, it's late. I hope the girls aren't waiting for me. I'll take my leave. You get some rest and we'll talk soon."


"Yes. Talk. As in having conversations with each other. Mundane things."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! In general. Yes! Yes! Yes! Sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Not a problem. I'll see you soon, (y/n). Have a good night." He slightly bowed his head and quickly vanished. Guess he didn't want to waste time getting back to the girls by using the door. As soon as you knew he was gone, you went to grab the closest chair to you, sat in it, and slowly slumped in it. What a long day.

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