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Sakura took the time out to come over to your apartment to talk to you about your confession to her. Even though you had a discussion about it with Sasuke, Sakura had her own questions that she wanted answers to. As you were doing your best to answer said questions, Sakura cuts you off because she kissed you.

"No!!" You shouted as you grabbed her by the shoulders to pull her off you. You could not fathom anything. You felt your mind racing. How could Sakura come over wanting answers and abruptly kiss you this way? You know she's happily married.

"What are you doing, Sakura!?"

"I want to be with you! I don't want to be with Sasuke-Kun anymore! He doesn't treat me like how you treat me!"

You. Were. Panicking. If Sasuke finds out anytime that is remotely close to now, you wouldn't have time to pack your bags to leave the village.


"No, Sakura!"

"Why not!? I thought you loved me!"

 "Because I'm in love with someone else!"


You said it. 

You finally said it. You're officially falling in love with someone else. Your love is no longer for Sakura. You were more than surprised because for a long time, all you wanted to do was to give all of your love to her but, it was never going to happen. Little by little, you had let her go.

But for some reason, she did not like your answer? Was she enraged? 


"What?..." You felt confused by her anger.

"You're in love? With someone else?!" She yelled as her chakra became more visible. Her chakra? It was purple. It looked very similar to the chakra that had possessed Sasuke that day. How could it have made its way to Sakura? It's sealed in the scroll. Did it get lose? Did someone misplace it? What could be the answer?

Regardless of what the answers can be, you couldn't figure them out now because one punch from Sakura meant that you were going to die on impact. You saw the first punch come your way and you were quick to dodge. You did you best to steer her towards the door and away from your home. You remembered what she did to her house when she got mad at Sarada. You didn't want to have to find a new place to live - not today.

You were able to escape her grasps as you quickly slide through your door and she almost crushed your entire apartment. Thankfully, she didn't. You kept running away from her and getting her to follow you until you found more open space to retaliate. You kept observing the mysterious chakra and noticed that it did seem to be amplifying her powers. As if Sakura wasn't physically strong enough. But of course, it didn't take long for her husband to show up. And, of course, Lord Hokage.

Sasuke actually looked a little surprised to see that the same chakra that possessed him some time ago was now possessing his wife. You couldn't help but begin to think about if this mysterious intentionally chooses its targets. If that were the case, you can only hope that it wouldn't pursue Sarada next if the chakra did have a chance to possess a third.  Lord Seventh was about to spring into action when Sasuke held his arm out in front of him. You made sure to hold your guard up to make sure you weren't going to die at Sakura's hands. But, if you had to choose between being killed by Sasuke or'd choose Sakura. You had a feeling she'd have more mercy than Sasuke despite being possessed by evil chakra.

What happened next blew your mind even though you felt it shouldn't have. Sasuke held this expression of concern along with warmth? You have never seen him this way. You couldn't help but feel a little confused. When he went in for a hug, Sakura started to struggle. He began to look sad; it was hard for him to see his wife this way. He did his best to hug her anyway. He kept hugging her until she stopped struggling. When he got a chance, his face got very close to hers. She was a little shocked but kept trying to break from his grasp. Sasuke took his time and slowly got closer until his lips gently pressed against hers.

You rolled your eyes.

The purple chakra immediately left and the Hokage hurried to performed a different seal, hoping, the chakra will stay in this time. Sakura passed out right after and Sasuke lifted her up into his arms. You felt relieved that Sakura is now safe. You felt even more relieved about being able to dodge all of Sakura's attacks unharmed.

"What happened before we showed up?" Sasuke asked. He was no longer carrying a longing face knowing his wife was going to be alright. His voice was very stern now. It startled you a little because there's no way he knows about the kiss!

"Sakura came to the house wanting to talk about the past few months- she wanted to catch up. Things took a turn in the conversation and things got a little heated. Before I knew it, I saw the purple chakra and she tried landing some blows on me and my house. But, I was able to steer her away before she did any actual damage."

"That's all?..." You thought about it for a moment. You looked towards Sakura, still passed out.  Clearly, the chakra took a lot out of her; more than her body could handle. Looking at her, you knew it would be easier to talk to her about what happened when she's all healed up compared to Sasuke. But, would he know if you were lying to him? Is he that intuitive?

"Yes. That's all that happened?" He let out what sounded like a relieving sigh. You know that you two have a better understanding of each other but that doesn't mean that you two are friends all of a sudden. At least, not how you and Sakura are. Which by the way, is beginning to get damaged because of sudden events. You knew when things calmed down, you would have to have a talk with her.

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