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Days have passed since Fumiko spent the night. You couldn't stop replaying it in your head. You two came back to your place and watched some late-night shows together. When it got to late, you told each other goodnight. You let her stay in your guest bedroom. The next morning, you escorted her to the main gates. You made sure she had everything she needed to make her trip back to her village - to her daughter. You two exchanged information to stay in contact and actually made plans to see each other soon. You decided to go and visit her village to see what it was like. You two hugged and she actually gave you a small kiss on the cheek. You kissed her on the forehead.

You waved goodbye and watched as she left. You were looking forward to hearing from her.

Later on today, you heard a knock on the door and wondered who it could be. You walked over to your door and checked the peephole. You were surprised to see who was on the other side of the door. 

You opened it.

"Good morning, (y/n). Sorry to drop by so early. Sasuke is at Naruto's office and Sarada is at school. So, I thought this could be the perfect time to talk."

" talk about what, Sakura?"

"About what happened between you and I."

"Oh...well... Sasuke and I already had a talk about it." You said as you walked away from her and into the kitchen. It's too early to have an alcoholic beverage so you settled for seltzer.

"I know. He told me everything."

"Then, how come you came all the way here to talk about it? I thought we were passed it."

"I need answers!"

"....what do you wanna know?"

"How long have you had feelings for me?..."

"Since we were kids...."

"And you never said anything?"

"Would you have listened?!" You shouted. You weren't sure where all this anger was coming from. You aren't angry at Sakura but for some reason this entire ordeal became a touchy topic for you. Maybe because you finally met a girl that you can actually make something of a life with and now here's Sakura bringing up something that you want to keep in the past. You might actually be almost over Sakura, romantically, but, you don't feel like you're ready to have this kind of conversation now. At least, not without you feeling some form of anger about it.

"What do you mean would I have listened!? Of course, I would have!"

"No, you wouldn't! Everyone knew you loved Sasuke. He was the apple of your eye." That sounded dramatic.

"Myself, and other boys, who treated you respectfully, compared to Sasuke, had romantic feelings for you. But, you never noticed because you eyes were always on Sasuke. But, I do give him this! He really does love you! I never knew! I wouldn't have thought twice about it because of how he treated you when we were growing up. I despised him for it!!"

You were tired of it. There has been a lot that has not been said and hasn't been said for years. You grew up hating that Sakura ended up with the one guy who treated her like shit and you never understood why.

"Why are you so angry about this!?"

"Honestly Sakura! I'm not really sure right now. I just know that this is not a conversation I can have right now!"

"But I don't know when else to talk to you about it in person!"

"Whenever in the future, Sakura! I don't want to stand here and shout at you because I'm not ready for this. I had a long conversation with your husband. Other people knew about my feelings for you. Shit! Even the fucking Hokage knows!"

Sakura slowly started to tear up. Clearly, the conversation isn't going where she had hoped and it's starting to get to her. You felt bad but you weren't exactly sure what to do. Sasuke is still around and if you make one wrong move around his wife, you were as good as dead.

"Sakura...why are you crying."

"Because I haven't been able to have a conversation with my friend in a long time and I miss him."

"...I'm sorry to hear that." You walked over to her and held your arms out. You wanted to give her the option to come in for a hug or not. She did. She rushed in for a hug. She cried into your chest. You didn't expect this. You spent a wonderful time with Fumiko not very long ago. You were starting to feel like this whole ordeal was drama when you haven't been apart of it in months. You couldn't understand how things got to where they are. You and Sakura did become distant. You became distant because of Sasuke. The issues with Sarada. Mainly to get over your romantic feelings for her. 

It has been time to move on from Sakura for a long time now.

"Was that the only question you had Sakura?"

"Why didn't you do anything about your feelings?"

"Still rolls back to Sasuke. You were too infatuated with him to notice anybody els-"

You were cut off. Your eyes were wide open now. Sakura cut you off. But, she cut you off in a way that you did not expect. Before you could turn away, Sakura rushed in to press her lips against yours. You shouted into the kiss thinking this was your last day in this world.

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