Little One.

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The rest of the week flew back and before you knew it, you were back in Fumiko's arms.

"How did your week pass?"

Before you traveled back to see Fumiko, you made sure to finish your conversation with Sakura. You honestly wouldn't have felt right if you didn't. You needed to make sure that despite everything, that Sakura knows for a fact how much you care and adore her as your best friend.

You traveled into the night again but this time you arrived a little earlier than anticipated so you two decided to stay up a bit.

"My week actually passed well. And I was able to have some alone time. I was thrilled."

She chuckled at your enthusiasm.

"I'm glad you were able to recharge a bit and spend some time away from everyone."

"Thank you for being happy for me." You smiled as you gave her a long kiss on the cheek and made a muah sound. It made her giggle so you kept going for a little bit while you held her close.

"How did your week pass?" You returned the question.

"It was something because my little girl has a crush on one of the girls in her class. She keeps talking about how pretty she is."

"Awwwwwe!" You couldn't help your response because of how young they are.

"Yeeah. She asked me and her father if she could have a playdate with her."

"What did you guys say to her?!" You were surprisingly invested in this little girl's love life that you have yet to meet.

"Well, we said yes. We want to meet the girl and her parents. From what my daughter says, they seem to be getting along very well. I'm just not sure if it's a crush because they're so young. Do they really know if they romantically like someone at that age?"

"I don't think it's like that for them. I think they see someone and just want to spend a lot of time with them, having fun and complimenting them in this case I guess." You chuckled towards the end of your comment but you were serious nonetheless. You didn't think kids thought of crushes as romantic feelings. You thought kids thought of other kids their age as someone they want to see all the time and give them affection.

"Hmmm. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just being over-protective."

"Which isn't always bad but I think on this one, you don't have much to worry about. When is the playdate?"

"Next Sunday."

"You have a little over a week to prepare. It's going to be great and your daughter is going to have a lot of fun. Kids are whimsical that way." She smiled and kissed you on the cheek after you finished your statement.

"I don't know how you do it but you just have this knack of making me feel better when I'm worrying over nothing."

"It's not nothing to you. That is something I want you to understand. I get completely where you're coming from. I just don't want you to stress yourself too much. I want you to be okay with your daughter growing up." Her eyes widened a bit this time. You were hoping in a good way and not in the 'you should mind your business' way.

Fortunately, she smiled a bit and hugged you.

"Had me scared there for a second. I was afraid I probably crossed some boundaries without realizing."

"Not really. You're right. I don't have to stress so much over her growing up. All these things are inevitable. I just didn't think it would happen so fast."

You rubbed the top of her arms to console her.

"I know. Things happen so fast sometimes. But maybe, it's going fast because that's part of the fun?"

"Maybe. When you word it like that it doesn't sound so terrible." She yawned. It was time for bed.

You two fell asleep shortly after.

The rest of your weekend was filled with mainly smiles and laughter. You two tried to make the chocolate cake you two tried to make last weekend and it came out like fudge brownies. Not exactly what you expected but can't complain. She was able to take you to more landmarks and act like tourists.

You ended up taking a lot more pictures together this time and it felt amazing to have mementos of each other. You told her anytime you got lonely or missed her, now you could look at more pictures of her. She blushed. It was true. Sure before you had a picture or two of her but now you have many more with sentiment behind it.

The end of the weekend snuck its way to you again and it was time to leave again.

"How would you feel if I didn't leave?" You asked her. 

"I would like that a lot."

"I would too. Can you come over this weekend?" You wanted to show her around your village more.

"Actually yeah! Can I bring my daughter?"

"Of course!"

"Great. I'll make sure to make the proper arrangements and tell my husband."

"Great. I'll see you next weekend. Please let me know if there's anything you need to make your stay more comfortable."

"I will. See you next weekend, (y/n)." You two said your goodbyes with a kiss and you traveled back home on your own again. You were home in no time too. The more your traveled the less time it felt it took. Getting home. you were starting to think where your life with Fumiko could go. Of course, things are complicated because she is divorced and has a daughter. The last thing she would want to do is separate her family - she wouldn't want her daughter living so far from her father.

It also made you start thinking about your life in Konoha. Your friends are here but what else is here for you? What's making you stay? Your primary goal for years was Sakura and now that your goal isn't Sakura anymore, what's left?

You walked around your apartment looking around trying to find meaning somewhere. You were asking yourself very deep questions that you didn't appear to have the answers to yet. All you wanted to do was to follow your heart but you couldn't help but be afraid of the outcome.


The week had passed and the weekend was here again. You spent this following week in your head and having deep conversations with Iruka. They all ended with you having to do what is best for you and your happiness. You felt sure of what that is but what could the consequences be and could you handle said consequences?

You awoke early in the morning to meet Fumiko and her daughter Kamiko. Seeing a tiny version of Fumiko made your heart race in the best way. Once she got closer you immediate got down to eye level and said hello to Kamiko first. She stood next to her mom and was a little shy.

"Hiiii." She said to you as you said hi back. You held your hand out to her and asked if she wanted to hold hands with you. She was a little hesitant but her mother reassured her and she took your hand. Your heart skipped. You couldn't believe how much you were loving this. Fumiko took her other hand and all three of you entered Konoha together. Is this what Sakura would feel like every time she and Sasuke would hold hands with Sarada? 

If so, this makes everything worth fighting for.

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