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"You really want to give up on Sakura-san?" Iruka asked with much concern in his voice.

"I thought you'd be happy about me giving up."

"You're serious?"

"Yes, Iruka! What if, Sasuke comes back home!? The fuck can I do?! You were right and now everything is setting in...."

Iruka let out a soft and worrisome sigh. He really couldn't believe what he was hearing. That you were going to, all of a sudden, give up on the woman you've been wanting to be with since you were a kid.

"...if Sasuke comes for a visit, it will be a visit, right? You didn't hear anything about him staying home. Nor do I think Sasuke will be coming home to stay anytime soon."

You didn't think of things that way at all throughout the day. Which in fact made you feel really dumb. You spend the entire day thinking and that did not cross your mind once that the rumor was Sasuke coming to visit, not to stay home. More so, you were surprised that Iruka was trying to get you to not give up.

"...are you telling me not to give up on her?"

"I'm trying to tell you to follow your heart. You know what can be best for you. You're a great and noble ninja. The Hokage and his colleagues have acknowledged you for it. It's all because you continue to choose to follow your heart until you became a successful ninja. Why can't it be the same with love? I don't know if you're going to be with Sakura-san. All I know is, you will be with the woman you want to be with."



You and Iruka heard someone from the heavens screaming your name. It was similar to sounding how pissed off Iruka was earlier. You two were startled. Both of you scanned the area to see who it was. You two looked up and saw Sakura above.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?" Her fists of fury collided with the ground causing it to become nothing but rubble. Iruka quickly moved out the way but it has been so long since you've seen her strength that you were mesmerized. You didn't even have time to react to her attack that you ended up falling into the large crater that her fists made. You yelled as you fell into the deep crater. When you landed at the bottom, you just sat there looking up towards the dark sky. Since you were still away from all the village lights, you were able to view the stars clearly. It was beautiful to see each star twinkle. Each twinkle was unique and they all made you think of Sakura.

You were left in awe.


As you were admiring the night, Sakura leaped into the hole and grabbed you by the shirt to shout right into your face. You felt your lips slowly turning into a small smile. It was so nice to see and hear her. Yes, she is pissed but you're always glad to see her. Especially considering the kind of day you had mentally and emotionally. Seeing her made you feel reassured.

"I'm...I'm sorry Sakura. I just had to have a day to myself. I wasn't feeling too great today."

"AND YOU FELT THAT YOU COULDN'T COME TO ME FOR SUPPORT?!" Having her fists gripping tighter on your shirt was helping to bring her point home.

"... You're right, Sakura. You are my best friend. I should be able to talk to you about anything. I'm sorry that I didn't go to you at all today. I could have gone to you at least. I shouldn't have gone this far out from the village. It was a mistake on my part. I'm sorry I made you worry so much." Her grip started to loosen after hearing your small speech.

Her face didn't carry as much anger and frustration anymore. She only looked concerned and worried. Slowly, her fists weren't grabbing onto your shirt anymore. She extended her hand to help you stand. Her expression grew softer and softer.

"What was it that was bothering you so much?"

"Um Sakura-san, (y/n), may I remind you that you two are at the bottom of a huge ditch!" Iruka shouted into the giant hole in the ground. You and Sakura felt a bit embarrassed. You scratched the back of your head and slightly chuckled. It would be a better idea to have this conversation outside of this ditch. You both leaped out and landed safely. You went over to Sakura to give her a friendly hug. Her head rested gently on your chest.

"Where is, Sarada?"

"She's at home."

" she feeling better?"

"Was, Sarada feeling bad about Sasuke-Kun the reason why you ended up all the way out here?" You looked at Iruka when she asked that question. It was part of the reason why you ended up so far outside of the village but not the main reason. Iruka only nodded at you.

"Yes. I...I felt terrible about seeing Sarada like that. That she felt, even if it was for a moment, that her father was going to come home soon to see her and for him to see you. I can only imagine how you felt. You're always so strong, Sakura. Always having to deal with him not being around. I don't know how you do it all the time. Sometimes, I wish I was as strong as you, Sakura..."

"I'm able to get through it all because of you, (y/n). You give not just me but Sarada so much strength just by being around. We're so grateful to have you as a friend." Sakura squeezed you tighter but you only looked at Iruka. Your heart still felt so uneasy but you knew you couldn't tell Sakura why. You knew this was not the time to confess your love for her. If only it were. Maybe, all you had to do was just tell her to get it all off your chest. Maybe after confessing to Sakura, you'd feel more like a friend and not wanting to be her lover and husband as much.


"Let's start heading home. It's going to be a walk."

"Okay, Sakura. I'll take you home. Coming Iruka?"

"I think I'll go my own path. I'll see you back in the village." In a blink of an eye, Iruka was gone. Sakura and you separated from you hug as you two started making your way back to the hidden leaf village. You two decided to take the fast way home.

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